解:Nick Carraway,a Yale University graduate and World War Iveteran,is staying in a sanatorium to treat his alcoholism.He talks about a man named Gatsby,describing him as the most hopeful man he had ever met.When he struggles to articulate his thoughts,his doctor,Walter Perkins,suggests writing it down,since writing is Nick's true passion.
In the summer of 1922,Nick moves from the U.S.Midwest to New York,where he takes a job as a bond salesman after giving up on writing.He rents a small house on Long Island in the (fictional) village of West Egg,next door to the lavish mansion of Jay Gatsby,a mysterious business magnate who holds extravagant parties.Nick drives across the bay to East Egg for dinner at the home of his cousin,Daisy Buchanan,and her husband,Tom,a college acquaintance of Nick's.They introduce Nick to Jordan Baker,a cynical young golfer with whom Daisy wishes to couple Nick.
Jordan reveals to Nick that Tom has a mistress who lives in the "valley of ashes," an industrial dumping ground between West Egg and New York City.Not long after this revelation,Nick travels with Tom to the valley,where they stop by a garage owned by George Wilson and his wife,Myrtle,who is Tom's lover that Jordan mentioned.Nick goes with Tom and Myrtle to an apartment that they keep for their affair,where Myrtle throws a vulgar and bizarre party with her sister Catherine,that ends with Tom breaking Myrtle's nose as she taunts him about Daisy.
As the summer progresses,Nick receives an invitation to one of Gatsby's parties.Upon arriving,he learns that none of the guests at the party,though there are hundreds,have ever met Gatsby himself,and they have developed multiple theories as to who he is:A German spy,a prince,even an assassin.Nick encounters Jordan,and they meet Gatsby,who is surprisingly young and rather aloof,in person.Towards the end of the party,Gatsby's butler informs Jordan that Gatsby wishes to speak with her privately.
Gatsby seems to take a liking to Nick,inviting him out for numerous occasions.Their friendship furthers when Gatsby takes Nick out to lunch with his friend Meyer Wolfshiem,a gambler who fixed the 1919 World Series,where Nick learns that Gatsby was born to very wealthy people that have already passed away.During the lunch,they run into Tom,Gatsby appearing uncomfortable throughout the exchange.Through Jordan,Nick later learns that Gatsby had a relationship with Daisy in 1917,and is still madly in love with her,throwing his extravagant and wild parties in the hopes that she will one day appear at his doorstep.On most nights,he can be seen reaching out across the bay to the green light at the end of Daisy's dock.He now wants Nick to arrange a reunion between him and Daisy.Nick invites Daisy to have tea at his house,without telling her that Gatsby will be there as well.
After a rather awkward reunion,Gatsby and Daisy begin an affair.Gatsby is rather dismayed to learn that Daisy wants to run away from New York with him,his initial plan being for them to live in his mansion.Nick tries to explain to Gatsby that the past cannot be repeated,but he dismisses the remark,claiming that it most certainly can be.Trying to keep the affair a secret,he fires a majority of his servants and discontinues the parties.Eventually,he phones Nick and ask that he and Jordan accompany him to the Buchanans',where they plan to tell Tom that Daisy is leaving him.Nick is hesitant at first,but Gatsby insists that they need him.
During the luncheon,Tom becomes increasingly suspicious of Gatsby when he sees him staring at Daisy with such passion.Gatsby begins to announce their love when Daisy stops him,and suggests they all go into town.Everyone leaves for the Plaza,Tom driving Gatsby's car with Nick and Jordan while Gatsby and Daisy take Tom's car.Out of gas,Tom stops at George and Myrtle's garage,where George tells him he plans to move him and wife out west,much to Tom's concern.
At the Plaza,Gatsby finally tells Tom that he and Daisy are together,claiming that she never loved him.Outraged,Tom begins to accuse Gatsby of bootlegging alcohol and conducting other illegal endeavors with Meyer Wolfshiem,explaining how Gatsby earned so much money.Pushed to his breaking point,Gatsby screams in rage at Tom,frightening Daisy.She asks to leave and goes with Gatsby,this time in his car.Nick realizes that it is his thirtieth birthday.
Later that night,Myrtle manages to flee from her husband,rushing out onto the street.She sees Gatsby's yellow car approaching and runs toward it,believing the driver to be Tom after seeing him in the same car earlier.She is struck and killed.Afterwards,Tom,Nick,and Jordan stop by the garage when they see a large crowd has gathered.There,they learn of Myrtle's death.Tom tells George,her widowed husband,that the yellow car belongs to Gatsby.
When they get back to East Egg,Nick finds Gatsby lingering outside the Buchanans' mansion,where Gatsby reveals that Daisy had been the one who was driving,though he intends to take the blame.In spite of everything,Gatsby is convinced that Daisy will call him the next day.At Gatsby's mansion,he also tells Nick that he was born penniless,and his real name is James Gatz.In the morning,Nick leaves for work while Gatsby decides to go for a swim before his pool is drained for the season.While swimming,he hears the phone ring,and believes it to be Daisy.He climbs out of the pool while his butler answers the call,looking out across the bay at Daisy's house with anticipation.He is abruptly shot and killed by George,who then turns the gun on himself.It is revealed that it is Nick on the phone,who stays on the line long enough to hear the two gunshots.
When Nick calls the Buchanans to invite Daisy to Gatsby's funeral,he learns that she,Tom,and their daughter are leaving New York.The funeral is attended only by reporters and photographers,who Nick angrily chases out.The media accuses Gatsby of being the lover and eventual murderer of Myrtle,leaving Nick as the only one who knows the truth.Disgusted with both the city and its people,he leaves New York.He takes a final walk through Gatsby's deserted mansion,standing out on the dock for the last time.Back in the sanatorium,he finishes his memoir and titles it "Gatsby",but not long before adding to it with pen,ultimately titling it "The Great Gatsby"
The Great Gatsby Plot Analysis
Most good stories start with a fundamental list of ingredients: the initial situation, conflict, complication, climax, suspense, denouement, and conclusion. Great wr...
例1: 了不起的盖茨比英文介绍哪位高手能提供了《不起的盖茨比》的英文科版本的简介呢?在500单字左右.是英文的关于其内容的简介。不是英文版的《了不起的盖茨比》。[英语练习题]
The Great Gatsby was published in 1922 by F. Scott Fitzgerald. At first glance, the novel appears to be a simple love story, but further examination reveals Fitzgerald's masterful scrutiny of American society during the 1920s and the corruption of the American dream.
F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby (1926) is, at first sight, a novel about love, idealism and disillusionment. However, it soon reveals its hidden depths and enigmas. What is the significance of the strange "waste land" between West Egg and New York, where Myrtle Wilson meets her death, an alien landscape presided over by the eyes of T J Eckleburg whose eyes, like God's, "see everything"? And what are we to make of the novel's unobtrusive symbolism (the green light, the colour of American dollar bills, which burns at the end of Daisy's dock, the references to the elements - land, sea and earth - over which Gatby claims mastery, the contrast between "East" and "West"), or its subtle use of the personalised first narrator, the unassuming Nick Carraway?
It is a novel which has intrigued and fascinated readers. Clearly, as a self-proclaimed "tale of the West", it is exploring questions about America and what it means to be American. In this sense Gatsby is perhaps that legendary opus, the "Great American Novel", following in the footsteps of works such as Moby Dick and Huckleberry Finn.
We will return to this aspect of the novel in more detail later on. However, we also need to be aware that it is a novel which has much to be say about more abstract questions to do with faith, belief and illusion. Although rooted in the "Jazz Age" which Fitzgerald is so often credited with naming, it is also a novel which should be considered alongside works like The Waste Land, exploring that "hollowness at the heart of things" which lies just below the surface of modern life.
Eliot himself remarked that the novel "interested and excited me more than any new novel I have seen, either English or American, for a number of years". Viewed from more distant perspectives it is possible to see Gatsby as an archetypally tragic figure, the epitome of idealism and innocence which strives for order, purpose and meaning in a chaotic and hostile world. In this sense Gatsby contains religious and metaphysical dimensions: the young man who shapes a "Platonic vision of himself" and who endows the worthless figure of Daisy with religious essence, eventually passes away into nothingness, with few at the funeral to lament the passing of his romantic dream.
例2: 了不起的盖茨比的背景,要英文的,急用!如题,要它的写作背景,要英文的,注意!是背景,字数不用太多,[英语练习题]
Written by American novelist F.Scott Fitzgerald and first published in 1925,the setting of The Great Gatsby is at both Long Island's North Shore and New York City,during the period immediately after the First World War.
The American economy soared during these "roaring" 1920s and society enjoyed the subsequent prosperity.This period was also the first to have Prohibition,which,by banning the sale and manufacture of alcohol,conversely made millionaires out of bootleggers.The Great Gatsby was republished in both 1945 and 1953 and increased its already-wide readership.Even to the present day,The Great Gatsby is deemed a literary classic and regarded as a quintessential Great American Novel.The Modern Library named it the second best novel of the 20th Century.[
例3: 急求了不起的盖茨比第一章的概括总结(用英语总结)注:用英语总结[英语练习题]
例4: 了不起的盖茨比的英文简介[英语练习题]
The Great Gatsby was published in 1922 by F.Scott Fitzgerald.At first glance,the novel appears to be a simple love story,but further examination reveals Fitzgerald's masterful scrutiny of American society during the 1920s and the corruption of the American dream.
F.Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby (1926) is,at first sight,a novel about love,idealism and disillusionment.However,it soon reveals its hidden depths and enigmas.What is the significance of the strange "waste land" between West Egg and New York,where Myrtle Wilson meets her death,an alien landscape presided over by the eyes of T J Eckleburg whose eyes,like God's,"see everything"?And what are we to make of the novel's unobtrusive symbolism (the green light,the colour of American dollar bills,which burns at the end of Daisy's dock,the references to the elements - land,sea and earth - over which Gatby claims mastery,the contrast between "East" and "West"),or its subtle use of the personalised first narrator,the unassuming Nick Carraway?
It is a novel which has intrigued and fascinated readers.Clearly,as a self-proclaimed "tale of the West",it is exploring questions about America and what it means to be American.In this sense Gatsby is perhaps that legendary opus,the "Great American Novel",following in the footsteps of works such as Moby Dick and Huckleberry Finn.
We will return to this aspect of the novel in more detail later on.However,we also need to be aware that it is a novel which has much to be say about more abstract questions to do with faith,belief and illusion.Although rooted in the "Jazz Age" which Fitzgerald is so often credited with naming,it is also a novel which should be considered alongside works like The Waste Land,exploring that "hollowness at the heart of things" which lies just below the surface of modern life.
Eliot himself remarked that the novel "interested and excited me more than any new novel I have seen,either English or American,for a number of years".Viewed from more distant perspectives it is possible to see Gatsby as an archetypally tragic figure,the epitome of idealism and innocence which strives for order,purpose and meaning in a chaotic and hostile world.In this sense Gatsby contains religious and metaphysical dimensions:the young man who shapes a "Platonic vision of himself" and who endows the worthless figure of Daisy with religious essence,eventually passes away into nothingness,with few at the funeral to lament the passing of his romantic dream
例5: 求了不起的盖茨比的英文概括rt[英语练习题]
Plot summary
The main events of the novel take place in the summer of 1922.Nick Carraway,aYale graduate and World War I veteran from the Midwest — who serves as the novel's narrator — takes a job in New York as a bond salesman.He rents a small house on Long Island,in the (fictional) village of West Egg,next door to the lavish mansion of Jay Gatsby,a mysterious millionaire who holds extravagant parties.Nick drives around the bay to East Egg for dinner at the home of his cousin,Daisy Buchanan,and her husband,Tom,a college acquaintance of Nick's.They introduce Nick to Jordan Baker,an attractive,cynical young golfer with whom Nick begins a romantic relationship.She reveals to Nick that Tom has a mistress,Myrtle Wilson,who lives in the "valley of ashes":an industrial dumping ground between West Egg and New York City.Not long after this revelation,Nick travels to New York City with Tom and Myrtle to an apartment they keep for their affair.At the apartment,a vulgar and bizarre party ends with Tom breaking Myrtle's nose after she taunts Tom about Daisy.
As the summer progresses,Nick eventually receives an invitation to one of Gatsby's parties.Nick encounters Jordan Baker at the party,and they meet Gatsby himself,an aloof and surprisingly young man who recognizes Nick from their same division in the war.Through Jordan,Nick later learns that Gatsby knew Daisy from a romantic encounter in 1917 and is deeply in love with her.He spends many nights staring at the green light at the end of her dock,across the bay from his mansion,hoping to one day rekindle their lost romance.Gatsby's extravagant lifestyle and wild parties are an attempt to impress Daisy in the hopes that she will one day appear again at Gatsby's doorstep.Gatsby now wants Nick to arrange a reunion between himself and Daisy.Nick invites Daisy to have tea at his house,without telling her that Gatsby will also be there.After an initially awkward reunion,Gatsby and Daisy reestablish their connection.They begin an affair and,after a short time,Tom grows increasingly suspicious of his wife's relationship with Gatsby.At a luncheon at the Buchanans' house,Gatsby stares at Daisy with such undisguised passion that Tom realizes Gatsby is in love with her.Though Tom is himself involved in an extramarital affair,he is outraged by his wife's infidelity.He forces the group to drive into New York City,where he confronts Gatsby in a suite at thePlaza Hotel.Tom asserts that he and Daisy have a history that Gatsby could never understand.In addition to that,he announces to his wife that Gatsby is a criminal whose fortune comes from bootlegging alcohol and other illegal activities.Daisy realizes that her allegiance is to Tom,and Tom contemptuously sends her back to East Egg with Gatsby,attempting to prove that Gatsby cannot hurt him.
When Nick,Jordan,and Tom drive through the valley of ashes,however,they discover that Gatsby's car has struck and killed Myrtle,Tom's lover.Nick later learns from Gatsby that Daisy was driving the car at the time of the accident,but that Gatsby intends to take the blame.The next day,Tom tells Myrtle's husband,George,that Gatsby was the driver of the car.George,who has leapt to the conclusion that the driver of the car that killed Myrtle must have been her lover,tracks Gatsby to his mansion and fatally shoots both Gatsby and then himself.Nick then stages an upsettingly small funeral for Gatsby,ends his relationship with Jordan,and moves back to the Midwest disillusioned with the Eastern lifestyle.
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