I.IntroductionWriting is worth developing in the whole process of languageteaching because of the role it plays in communication.As teach-ers of English,teaching of writing is especially significant,notonly for its practical value in helping students to
例1: 美国教育的优缺点英语作文[英语练习题]
It is quite common for parents to beat their children,because they think eating is a good way to make children learn and behave well.One of my neighbors made a very strict demand on his son and scolded him bitterly or smacked(稍带特定味道) him whenever he was lazy or disobedient(违抗命令的).To justify(辩解) what he did,he said,” spare the rod and ruin the child.”
Actually beating is a violent way of treating children.It does more harm and causes more hurt than good to children’s physical and psychological health.However,beating children is common occurrence(出现) in our life.Many children become disable because their parents hit them too hard.Some lost their hearing and some became lame(跛脚的).Some children develop an internal(内在的) hatred(憎恨) for their parents and protest(抗议) by running away from home.Others may become so fearful of their parents that they tremble(发抖) at the sight of their angry parents.A mother,for example,even went so far as to beat her son to death because she was not satisfied with his study.Likewise(同样地),it is not unusual that the child murdered(凶杀) his parents because of the extreme contradiction(矛盾) between them.How can children learn and grow healthily under such circumstance(环境)?
Quite often parents will be torn by pangs(剧痛) of regret(懊悔) and remorse(自责) after they have beaten their children.They feel very sad in the rest of their lives.But it is already too late.How can they bring their handicapped(有生理缺陷的) child back to healthy one?How can they relieve(减轻) pains in their children’s heart so easily?We can say beating hurts both children and parents.It is absolutely a bad way to make children learn and behave well.
Exactly speaking,children are also human beings.They have self-respect and should be respected.
例2: 【互联网的优缺点的英语作文大概120字的文章,】[英语练习题]
Entertainment is another popular reason why many people surf the Internet.Downloading games,going into chat rooms,or just surfing the Web are some of the uses people have discovered.There are numerous games that may be downloaded from the Internet at no charge .Chat rooms are popular because users can meet new and interesting people.In fact,the Internet has been used by people to find life long partners.When people surf the Web,there are numerous things that can be found.Music,hobbies,news and more can be found on the Internet.
Another popular thing to do on the Internet is to check out the news.Almost all local news can be obtained through the Internet.Up to date sports scores are probably the most popular looked at news.Sports scores are updated on the Internet as soon as the game ends..Weather is also a popular source to look up on the Internet.Using the Internet to get the weather allows people to view weather all over the world.Live radar all over the country and local forecasts are just to name a few of the things that may be obtained for weather information on the Internet.
Shopping online has also become a huge success and is considered a great advantage of the Internet.No matter what people are shopping for,it can be found on the Internet.People do not even have to leave their homes.A few companies have collected millions of dollars using the Internet for selling .In conclusion,today’s society is in the middle of a technological boom.People can either choose to take advantage of this era,or simply let it pass them by.The Internet is a very powerful tool.It has many advantages; however,people need to be extremely aware of the disadvantages as well.
例3: 关于我养的宠物的优缺点的英语作文[英语练习题]
If you have a child age one and up,he probably begs you on a regular basis for some kind of pet.If you've never owned an animal,you may feel bewildered by your young one's passion.If you're a pet lover yourself,you may fully empathize with his desire but might not be quite sure when your child is old enough to have a pet or what kind of wee beastie it should be.
There are dozens of reasons to bring an animal into your home--but also plenty of reasons to make you pause.Here are some points to consider:
The pros of pets
Having grown up with all manner of animals,including fish,hamsters,gerbils,cats,dogs,horses,and rabbits,I can personally testify that animals can be wonderful playmates and confidantes for children.In fact,as a rather shy child,I found great solace in the affection and acceptance of non-human creatures.
But animals offer far more than solace or even entertainment.Caring for animals can teach children many things,including gentleness,responsibility,empathy,nurturing,and,in the best of cases,interest in and compassion for all living creatures.Studies have shown that simple acts like watching fish or patting a cat have physiological effects,too,such as decreasing both blood pressure and levels of stress hormones.Several studies also have shown that being around animals can help children develop social competence and self-esteem,as well as help them cope with disabilities and emotional problems.
A love and understanding of animals can also lead to some worthwhile hobbies in children,including partaking in animal-related clubs (like 4-H),competing in shows (like horse and dog competitions),or even getting involved in animal activism--helping to protect sea mammals or migratory bird habitats,for example,or caring for orphaned animals.
The cons of creatures
Without question,however,living with animals also has its drawbacks.Most animals create some kind of mess,whether by soiling carpets,scratching furniture,or creating dust bunnies during shedding season.Most also create some financial drain,starting from when you first buy the animal and its basic equipment and going on to include the costs of food,veterinary care,and boarding or pet-sitting services when you travel.
Any kind of pet requires attention to thrive,even to survive.Most need daily food,water,and exercise
.Some animals need training; some need to have their shelters or litter boxes cleaned regularly.No matter how ardently your child says he'll take on these tasks,the ultimate responsibility for the animal's health will lie with the parent.And mommies beware:One study estimated that in two-thirds of all animal-owning families,the mother ends up taking on those chores.
Animals also carry health risks.Dogs,cats,rabbits,hamsters,gerbils,and many other cuddly creatures can all bite or scratch when feeling testy (which tends to happen when small children start chasing and grabbing them).And both reptiles and birds can carry harmful bacteria like Salmonella that can be transmitted to children.Such caveats shouldn't alarm parents unduly; animals and children can be trained to co-exist peacefully and good hygiene can ensure healthy families,but they are drawbacks to bear in mind.
Feeling a little put off?The point isn't that pets are horrible hassles; it's that pets need to be chosen,purchased,and handled with care.The millions of animals that are abandoned and euthanized every year in shelters are testament to the fact that whimsical or badly motivated pet purchases can cause great suffering for the animals,the families,or both.That means that no matter how insistently your child begs for a certain pet,it's you who has to decide if the pet is truly right for your particular family.
例4: 【求汽车优缺点的英语作文(只说汽车的优缺点,与自行车无关)】[英语练习题]
Nowadays more and more families own private cars.Private cars,as the product of modem civilization,have been playing a vital role in people's daily activities.First,private cars are a convenient means of transportation.You can go wherever you like.Secondly,there is no doubt that private cars will have a great impact on the economic growth.The rapid car industry growth will contribute much to keeping the country's economy growing at a higher rate in the near futrue.But every coin has two sides.The development of the private cars will bring about a series of problems.For example,the polluted air given off by cars will do great harm to our health,too many private cars will lead to traffic jams and a great deal of energy will be wasted and so on.So I think we should take advantages of private cars and make them serve us better.Meantime we hope that satisfactory solutions to these negative problems will be found soon.现在,越来越多的家庭拥有私家车.私家车作为现代文明的产物,在人们日常生活中扮演了重要的角色.首先,私家车是很方便的交通工具,你可以开车到处跑;其次,毫无疑问私家车对经,济的增长起到很大的作用.在不远的将来,快速发展的汽车工业在保持国家以较高速度的增长方面将做出很大的贡献.当然,任何事物都有其两面性.快速发展的私家车会导致一系列问题.例如,汽车排出的废气对人体有很大的伤害,太多的私家车会导致交通阻塞,很多能源被浪费等.所以我认为我们.应当充分利用私家车的优势,更好地为我们服务.同时,我们也希望不久这些消极的问题将会得到圆满的解决.
例5: 英语作文--旅游的优缺点迅速啊..要80词左右...[英语练习题]
broad your horizon; experience different cultures; get familiar with people from different places
dangerous; if it's busy,waste your time; being cheated by some mischievous people.
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知识点:《38译码器》 收集:瞿收霉 编辑:桂花
本知识点包括:1、38译码器在单片机系统中的作用是什么? 2、求vh...aidma
知识点:《aidma》 收集:蒯超峦 编辑:栀子花女孩