解:Zeus (宙斯)
The ruler of the gods,the ruler of Mount Olympus,and the god of the sky and thunder.Zeus was the child of Cronus and Rhea,and the youngest of his siblings.He is married to Hera,the queen of the gods.He is often depicted either standing,striding forward,or seated in a throne of royalty.His symbols are the thunderbolt,eagle,bull and the oak.
Poseidon (波塞冬)
The god of the sea and of horses.He is the brother of Zeus and Hades.Poseidon was given a trident during the war of the Titans and the gods.When they overthrew the Titans,Poseidon took over the sea among other things.He is the son of Cronus and Rhea .Poseidons' symbols were the dolphin and the trident.
Hephaestus (赫斯提亚)
The only ugly god is lame,but he is also the kindest of the gods and a skilled smith married to Aphrodite.
Hermes (赫尔墨斯)
The winged messenger of the Olympians,Hermes was the son of Zeus and Maia.As a friend to the mortals,he introduced weights and measures and he also escorts the dead to Hades.He is the giver of good luck and he taught mortals all arts,such as how to make roads and markets.In ancient times,a bust of Hermes was placed at the top of pillars to mark boundaries.His symbols were winged sandals and helmet.
Hera (赫拉)
The wife and older sister of Zeus.She is the goddess of marriage.The peacock was sacred to her and she is often depicted with a peacock somewhere near her.She is the daughter of Cronus and Rhea.Hera is the most beautiful of the immortals.Her symbols were the peacock and the cow.
Hephaestus (赫菲斯托斯)
The god of technology,blacksmiths,craftsmen,artisans,sculptors,metals,and fire.He was worshipped in all the manufacturing and industrial centers of Greece,especially Athens.Hephaestus and his brother Ares were sons of Hera.Hephaestus was often remembered as the blacksmith of the gods.His symbol was fire and a blacksmith's hammer.
Hades (哈迪斯)
The god of the underworld and the dead.Hades and his brothers Zeus and Poseidon defeated the Titans and claimed rulership over the universe ruling the underworld,sky,and sea.Because of his association with the underworld,Hades is often thought of as a grim figure.He is often associated with a sceptre,cornucopia,or Cerburus,the three-headed dog.In fact,his symbol is the cornucopia.
Athena (雅典娜 )
The goddess of intelligence and war.Unlike Ares who is just the violence of war,Athena is also the strategies and intelligence of war.She was also the patron goddess of Athens who built the Parthenon in her honor.Athena's symbol is the owl.
Artemis (阿尔忒弥斯 )
The daughter of Zeus and Leto,and the twin sister of Apollo.She was the goddess of forests and hills.Artemis was often depicted carrying a bow and arrows and the deer was sacred to her.Sometimes she was also shown with a crescent moon near her.The moon is the symbol of Artemis.
Ares (阿瑞斯 )
The son of Zeus and Hera.Though often referred to as the Olympian god of war,or bloodlust.Ares was often pictured with brazen armor and a spear.He was often known for the unpredictable violence of war.His symbol is the spear.
Apollo (阿波罗)
He has been recognized as a god of light and the sun; truth and prophecy; archery; medicine and healing; music,poetry,and the arts; and more.Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto,and has a twin sister,the huntress Artemis.In art,he is often depicted as a handsome young man with golden hair normally carrying a bow.Apollo's symbol was the golden lyre which is an old musical instrument.
Aphrodite (阿佛洛狄忒 )
The Greek goddess of love,lust,and beauty.She was often shown as a beautiful women often appearing nude.She is often accompanied by the winged godling,Eros which means love.Aphrodite is the daughter of Ouranos and Hemera and accordingly married Adonis.The myrtle,dove,sparrow,and swan are sacred to her.The swan and the rose were both symbols of Aphrodite.
例1: 请问希腊神话中十二主神的英文名称?
Zeus (Jupiter):king of gods
Hera (Juno):queen of gods
Poseidon (Neptune):god of sea
Hades (Pluto):god of death
Ares (Mars):god of war
Athena (Minerva):goddess of wisdom
Apollo (Apollo):god of music,poetry and healing
Artemis (Diana):goddess of moon
Aphrodite (Venus):goddess of beauty
Demeter (Ceres):goddess of agriculture
Hermes (Mercury):god of messenger
Hephaestus (Vulcan):god of fire and metaling
例2: 求希腊神话的英语简介~[英语练习题]
orpheus with his lute made trees
and the mountain tops that freeze
bow themselves when he did sing
to his music plants and flowers
ever sprung,as sun and showers
there had made a lasting spring
everything that heard him play
even the billows of the sea
hung their heads,and then lay by
in sweet music is such art
killing care and grief of heart
fall asleep,or hearing,die.
例3: 希腊神话中的十二主神分别是哪些?
例4: 用英语翻译希腊神话谁来帮我翻译这段话啊!很久很久以前,有个叫库尔采的水中仙女,疯狂的迷恋阿波罗神.每当太阳一早从东方出来,他就目不转晴的望着,从早到晚,直到太阳神西坠,才恋恋不
Long long ago,there was a naiad called 库尔采 who had a crazy crush on God of sun - Apollo.Every morning the sun arose from the east,she started to watch him with fixed eye,from morning to night,she didn't look back until the God of sun had set.As time go by,the naiad rooted at her feet,and her face turned into a beautiful flower named "sunflower".
例5: 希腊神话用英语怎么说?[英语练习题]
Greek mythology
Greek mythology is the body of stories belonging to the Ancient Greeks concerning their gods and heroes,the nature of the world and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices.Modern scholars refer to the myths and study them in an attempt to throw light on the religious and political institutions of Ancient Greece and on the Ancient Greek civilization,and to gain understanding of the nature of myth-making itself.[1]
Greek mythology is embodied explicitly in a large collection of narratives and implicitly in representational arts,such as vase-paintings and votive gifts.Greek myth explains the origins of the world and details the lives and adventures of a wide variety of gods,goddesses,heroes,heroines,and other mythological creatures.These accounts were initially disseminated in an oral-poetic tradition; the Greek myths are known today primarily from Greek literature.The oldest known literary sources,the epic poems Iliad and Odyssey,focus on events surrounding the Trojan War.Two poems by Homer's near contemporary Hesiod,the Theogony and the Works and Days,contain accounts of the genesis of the world,the succession of divine rulers,the succession of human ages,the origin of human woes,and the origin of sacrificial practices.Myths are also preserved in the Homeric Hymns,in fragments of epic poems of the Epic Cycle,in lyric poems,in the works of the tragedians of the 5th century BC,in writings of scholars and poets of the Hellenistic Age and in writers of the time of the Roman Empire,for example,Plutarch and Pausanias.
Monumental evidence at Mycenaean and Minoan sites helped to explain many of the questions about Homer's epics and provided archaeological evidence of many of the mythological details about gods and heroes.Greek mythology was also depicted in artifacts; Geometric designs on pottery of the 8th century BC depict scenes from the Trojan cycle,as well as the adventures of Heracles.In the succeeding Archaic,Classical and Hellenistic periods,Homeric and various other mythological scenes appear to supplement the existing literary evidence.[2]
Greek mythology has had extensive influence on the culture,the arts and the literature of Western civilization and remains part of Western heritage and language.It has been a part of the educational fabric from childhood,while poets and artists from ancient times to the present have derived inspiration from Greek mythology and have discovered contemporary significance and relevance in classical mythological themes.[3]
点拨:1、宙斯:(罗马又称朱庇特)Zeus,天神之父,地上万物的最高统治者,以贪花好色著名。 2、赫拉:(罗马又称朱诺)Hera,宙斯的姐姐与妻子。是女性的代表,掌管婚姻和生育。性格特征是嫉妒。 3、波塞冬:(罗马又称尼普东)Poseidon,海王,海洋...
点拨:古希腊有奥林匹亚十二大神: 宙斯------众神之主,赫拉------天后,波塞冬------海神,哈德斯------冥王,雅典娜------智慧女神,阿波罗------射术、音乐、与诗歌之神,阿尔忒弥斯------狩猎与月亮女神,阿佛洛狄忒------美与爱女神,阿瑞斯----...
点拨:宙斯(Zeus):天神,希腊神话中最高的神,克洛诺斯和瑞亚的儿子。 赫拉(Hera):天后,克洛诺斯和瑞亚的长女,宙斯的姐姐和妻子。 哈迪斯(Hades):冥王,克洛诺斯和瑞亚的儿子,宙斯的兄弟。 帕尔塞福涅(Persephone):冥后,宙斯和得墨忒尔的女儿...
点拨:希腊神话中的人物应该是: 地神该亚(Gaea): 地神该亚又称大地之母,是希腊神话中最早出现的神,在开天辟地时,由混沌(Chaos)所生。该亚生了天空,天神乌拉诺斯,并与他结合生了六男六女,十二个泰坦巨神及三个独巨神和三个百臂巨神,是世界的开...
点拨:十二主神: 1、宙斯Zeus:天神之父,也是众神之神,地上万物的最高统治者。用雷霆和叫做“埃奎斯”的神盾治理天和地。同时,宙斯还是个花心大萝卜,到处拈花惹草使他的妻子赫拉嫉妒。 2、赫拉Hera:宙斯的妻子,神圣的婚姻女神,掌管婚姻,捍卫家...
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