解:Look at 《Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows》,Heart was harry and his friend's friendship,solidarity and courage was touched,I feel the power of love and friendship,In love,evil look how weak,Harry they reminded us :love is the nicest in the world,it can overcome all difficulties.Of course,unswerving faith and strong strength of will is also essential.And in life,we are not and should learn their spirit?With harry's a good example to,I should also like harry their selfless and unity,I'm sure I can do with them!
例1: 哈利波特的英文影评自我介绍一下我是高一学生一名最近英语老师要我做英文值日生报告,要介绍近期看的电影!那还有啥说的,肯定是哈利波特撒.可是我的英语又很丑.希望广大哈迷能帮我!
Hello,everybody.Today,The movie I want to introduce to you is Harry Potter.I am sure most of you have seen the movie of Harry Potter,which is regarded as one of the most successful series in history.On the first day it was shown,it gain the high gross over handrous of million dollars.Countless fans were attracted by the fantastic scenes and exiting plots.
But in my opinion ,the books of the series are better than movies ,as the latter have lost many great plots .And after all ,the books are the best-sellers after Bible.The author of Harry Potter who was a poor single mother is well-known around the world ,she used to write the stories of Harry Potter in small pieces of paper ,but now her personal value is higher than the queen of the Great Britain.
All in all ,it's a pity if you haven't read Harry Potter or watched the movies ,they are a great feast for your eyes .
例2: 求《哈利波特7》的英文读后感希望可以长点.....600字左右,内容就是对这本书的感想吖...就是一些自己对故事情节或人物的看法或者体会.先谢谢四楼.[英语练习题]
Harry Potter 7:Deathly Hallows Review
Phew.Woah.I'm still blown sideways.
After ten years,she did not let us down.The darkest,fastest-paced,most desperate and dynamic magical adventure of the 7-part series carries the reader along faster than a speeding broomstick chased by Dementors.Throughout,doubts must be battled,fears faced,loyalties tested,and grief postponed whilst well-loved characters fall,chapter by chapter,yet there is no time to mourn.Rowling as a narrator has grown up and so has Harry; this no longer feels like a children's story but an epic myth,the echo and inheritor of a centuries-ancient tale told and sung around firesides,full of sound and fury,signifying more than we like to let on - the tug of old archetypes we already know,old tales which still resonate heart-deep,with anyone who has ever wondered who wins,when you pit love against hate,and hope against nihilism.
I am sure there will be sneerers and jeerers at the power of the commercial spell cast worldwide and the ringing tills at midnight,the over-familiarity of the children's-story syntax; they are missing the point.The story of all humankind is the story of a story-telling animal and it is only this which distinguishes us from the other mammals,when it comes to the end.We will always be enchanted and enslaved by the telling and re-telling of the same story we all,always want to hear,again and again.The ancient magic of light vs.darkness,heroism and struggle,the bloody clash of battles,wrench of secrets painfully revealed; the warrior tested,the torturous night of the soul,the slow learning of the terrible,yet wonderful fact that no-one is alone,and that in the end,help comes,from friends,from strangers,from unexpected sources; from within and without,because of faith,because of courage,because of love.Of how our own humanity saves us,how our weakness is our strength.
So this latest incarnation of the old,old tale of the resurrected lost one,the lonely one who is loved,the hero who doubts,the child who is adult,the griever restored,the victim who triumphs,the Boy Who Lived - is deeply satisfying in the way everyone recognises.Anyone who has fallen asleep at the end of a story,with the author's pact satisfied - I will let you frighten,anger,worry and scare me,if you make it all right at the end.If I learn something,and if they live,if not happy ever after,but if they live - will be replete at the ending of this long saga.
I prefer to think its enormous sucess is not just because of cyncial hyper-successful marketing.I prefer to think that it is because we all love a story,told well,before we lay down to sleep at the end of a long day.
N.B:Spoilers not included.I read fast,I wish I didn't,sometimes.I'm not going to wreck it for you - are you sitting comfortably?..
例3: 【哈利波特英文影评自我介绍一下我是高一学生一名最近英语老师要我做英文值日生报告,要介绍近期看的电影!那还有啥说的,肯定是哈利波特撒.可是我的英语又很丑.希望广大哈迷能帮我!帮】
hello,boys and girls,today I want to introduce harry potter.I believe most of the students read the harry potter movies,it is generally accepted that history's most successful film series.Premiere box-office,praise countless billions.Footage and exciting plot attracts countless fans.
But personally I think,harry potter series are greater than the film more exciting good-looking.Movie missed many exciting plot.This also no wonder that harry potter is the second,the first is the bible sales.Harry potter author jk rowling global fame,she a suit of spirals,she used to be a poor single mothers,before she often at a small cafe in the creation of the harry potter in covering card and now she valued has more than Britain's queen.
例4: 【哈利波特英文观后感】[英语练习题]
Many people know that there is such a small wizard, a black frame glasses on the end of his nose, he always on broomsticks fly in the air, in the chaos following his mop of black hair, and a mysterious scar. The boy's name is Harry Porter. The Harry years old when they lost their parents, have been aunt and uncle bullying life. When Harry was eleven, he suddenly learned he was a wizard, and he started his at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and Wizardry learning career, and met two friends, Ron and Hermione. But to kill Harry's parents to look at fiercely as a tiger does Voldemort has been at Hogwarts, Harry in the original body lose the ability of he broke Harry began a quiet life. After watching this movie, it's hard for me to imagine, unexpectedly have such ready to face the death of children, Harry bear many adult wizards have to bear responsibility! There is courage, child, in reality there will be a few people can do? He's suffering, and few people can afford? Although there are so many challenges waiting for Harry, but the miracle appears again and again, Harry always escape from danger. Of these, all because of love. Harry's mother died to save Harry, her passionate love for Harry, left a blot on Harry's body. Was a deeply loved, despite the love of his people have died, will also give Harry left a permanent. This is Voldemort killed his reasons. Voldemort did not understand love, he also lost his parents at an early age, living in an orphanage, not a loving environment. His character is very lonely, have no contact with anyone, he didn't need a friend. One does not know how to love or not love, will make a terrible thing countless become frenzied. This is perhaps the book to tell us, love can change a person's fate, love is the deep magic, also cannot achieve. Even in the most desperate time, don't give up on love and hope, it can transcend death, illuminate the darkness, because of love and hope to be more than the fate of a strong!
例5: 哈利波特7的英文影评[英语练习题]
The Harry Potter series is one of the most faithful I have ever seen,and each film brings something new.Whenever a new film comes out,there is always a certain criticism that a book fan will mention because of certain information or details left out of the film adaptation.Being the final book in the famous wizard series,this would always be the hardest book to adapt,so I was very relieved when it was announced that it would be split into two parts.Some might see this as an attempt to cash in money,but I honestly do not believe it was for that reason.The filmmakers care about this story,and being the finale,they care about adding in character development before the big action-packed finale.So after seeing Part 1,I have the obligation not just to judge it as a film adaptation but also as a film.
The opening of the film is perfect for the type of tone it is trying to set.Showing us each of the home lives of the three leads and just how difficult the future will be is a hard fact to behold.The action scenes in the film are pretty impressive,but not overly done and they do not take you out of the real story.David Yates and Steve Kloves have set Part 1 as a character film with action in it,not the other way around.And so it is with the rest of the film.Last Year's Half-Blood Prince proved to me that Yates was the best director that this series ever had.He understands mood and the challenges that the three leads are going through.Part 1 is able to capitalize on that.
Each new Harry Potter film is deemed as 'darker' than the previous,and that may be true,but it is not just about how sinister things on screen appear to be.The magical world is at a time where danger lurks around everywhere.We certainly are able to see this on screen,but the real power and the real confrontation as to just how dangerous the world is right now is brought by the quiet moments in the film.Many have said that the middle section of the film,when the three leads begin their camp out,is what weakens the pace.I was surprised by how much this was not true when I watched it.If anything,this section is much needed.It is also powerful because the three leads are able to hold their own very well.Over the years,they have matured and grown as actors,and at this point no one else could do what they are doing.There are certain scenes in the film that,while definitely subtle,are completely powerful and strengthen the characters and express the way they are feeling in a sense of loss.An example is the dance scene between Harry and Hermione,which I thought was perfectly acted by both,especially Watson.
Emma Watson has been the most inconsistent throughout the series.She was good as a little kid in the first two,good as a growing teen in the 3rd film,over-dramatic in Goblet of Fire,OK in Order of the Phoenix,and it wasn't until Half-Blood Prince when you could see she was really starting to shine.Well,here she does.While Radcliffe and Grint are very good,there is something electrifying about Watson.People have raved a lot about her performance,and while at times one is cautious not to overpraise a performance,she deserves it.She does not have scenes where in script it would seem as if she has to do something incredible.This is what makes her stand-out in this film.Starting from her first scene in the film,in a very sad and tragic scene in her home,we see her pain and her sadness over to what she has to do.She only has two words that she speaks in this scene,but her facial expressions say it all.She conveys the same powerful subtle expressions throughout the film.There is also another scene involving her and Helena Bonham Carter that she has been praised about,and this was a disappointment.Not that Watson wasn't great,because she certainly was,much more than what was probably required from her,but the scene only lingered on her for short seconds and then it cut away.We could hear Watson's incredible suffering,but I just wish it could have lingered more on her,to feel even more of what she and others like her really have to go through.Watson is incredibly effective and subtle in this film,and for the first time,she gave the best performance in a Harry Potter film,a feat that none of the three leads have ever achieved.
A real stand-out of the last HP film,Half Blood Prince,was the cinematography,and while I am not sure whether Part 1 was better shot than that one,it was still pretty impressive.Of course,that is no surprise.The music score also stood-out for me.While it is true that it is not as loud,or even as recurring,as the scores of the last Harry Potter films as in it is not present in a lot of the film,it was still effective.I really hope it gets some nominations.Ultimately,the film was everything I could hope for,and not any major flaws really appeared.The ending I also thought was a good way to end Part 1,contrary to the opinions of most.This was a very effective,carefully paced,and superb beginning to the end.
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