the time is now的歌词。【中英文】
WWE John Cena的~
The Time To Kill Is Now 杀戮之时将至 [Music and lyrics by Alex Webster] We see them coming a mile away 我们看到他们在不远处 Gathered to kill on the desolate plain 集结起来准备杀戮 No fear in our minds 心中没有恐惧 Pure hate in our hearts 有的只是纯粹的憎恶 Miscalculation of our strength their bane 轻敌是其灾难的出处 Take us lightly and we'll make you pay 无力的抗争,让你们将代价付出 Pride left them defenseless 骄傲使他们毫无防备 No mercy for Hubris 对于傲慢,我们从不宽恕 [Solo: Pat O'Brien] They rush to fight us and we stand and wait 他们发起冲锋,我们坚守等待 Pulses quicken as they take the bait 心跳加速,他们即将落入全套 Mere seconds to slaughter 一瞬间的杀戮 We can wait no longer 我们难以等待 Closing fast with their weapons high 他们高举武器,奔袭而至 Still believing it's we that will die 依然坚信自己终会胜利 Now the ambush is sprung 霎时,伏兵突现 Now they learn they were wrong 瞬间,他们意识到了不利 Now the killing will start 此时,杀伐将起 Tear the bastards apart 泪水落地崩离 They thought it would be easy but now they're being crushed 曾经不屑的战斗造成了他们的崩陷落 Arrogance of power leaves them dying in their blood 垂死的挣扎,只是狂妄的结果 There will be no mercy for these filthy sons of whores 对其污秽的结果,我们没有仁慈 The innards of my enemies impaled upon my sword 发自肺腑的仇恨汇聚在我们手中的剑端 Many years we've waited for this final day of slaughter 这屠戮的日子,我们以期待多年 Our victims are decapitated, their limbs are torn asunder 我们的祭品,已头颅陨落,肢体分离 Careful preparation brought our haughty victims down 精心的策划,终让我们的敌人沦陷 Our forces are at full strength and the time to kill is now. 我们体内充斥着力量,杀戮之时终至 Time to kill is now 杀戮之时终至 Time to kill 杀戮的时刻 They are all dead, it's their end today 他们俱已死亡,这就是他们的终章 All lost their lives in tremendous pain 在无边的痛苦中,他们生命中止符被烙上 Not one has survived 无人生还 We left none alive 我任何人都没被释放 Do not doubt our conviction to kill 不要怀疑我们杀戮 Hate on our side we will never fail 心中充满仇恨,我们决不会败 Now the killing will start 现在杀伐伊始 Tear the bastards apart 泪水落地崩离 Strike the enemy down 击垮敌人 The time to kill is motherfucking now 杀戮之时即将到来
[1] 美国死亡金属-Six Feet Under(六尺之下)
[2] 芬兰旋律黑金属-Catamenia(月经)
[3] 美国碾核死亡金属-Terminally Your Aborted Ghost((幽灵终结者)
[4] 国内死亡金属(窒息乐队)
[5] 芬兰旋律死亡金属-Children of Bodom(死神之子)
[6] 国内硬核-病蛹 - |(1208)
[7] 芬兰强力金属-Sonata Arctica(北极奏鸣曲)
[8] 澳大利亚碾核-Blood Duster(血尘暴)
[9] 瑞典旋律死亡-Skyfire(天火)
[10] 新古典金属-Yngwie·Malmsteen(英格威·玛姆斯汀)
[11] 意大利交响史诗金属-Drakkar
[12] 瑞典旋律死亡金属-SoilWork(土壤作业)
[13] 芬兰交响力量金属乐队--Dreamtale(梦境传说)
[14] 美国残暴死亡金属-Nile(尼罗河)
[15] 美国厄运/死亡金属-Novembers Doom(厄运十一月)
[16] 瑞士交响金属-lunatica
[17] 芬兰歌特/强力金属试听-Lullacry
[18] 法国交响金属-Karelia(卡雷利亚)
[19] 美国新浪潮金属-God Forbid(上帝禁区)
[20] 美国新金属-Taproot(主根)
[21] 芬兰金属乐队-negative (消极乐队)
[22] 美国流行金属-Stryper(银河)
[23] 奥地利歌特/厄运金属-Darkwell
[24] 美国另类/工业金属-Static-X(静态-X)
[25] 英国重金属-Judas Priest(犹大圣徒)
[26] 芬兰力量金属乐队-Stratovarius (灵云乐队)
[27] 英国重金属-The Darkness(黑暗)
[28] 美国硬摇滚-Alice Cooper(艾丽丝·库柏)
[29] 美国流行金属-Great White(大白鲨)
[30] 挪威维京黑金属- Einherjer
[31] 芬兰维京金属-Moonsorrow(月伤)
[32] 意大利异教黑金属-Aborym
[33] 乌克兰交响黑金属-Nokturnal Mortum
[34] 英国歌特/黑金属-Cradle Of Filth(污秽摇篮)
[35] 美国洛杉矶Metallica (金属)
[36] 英国DragonForce(龙之力量)极限能量金属
[37] 英国碾核/死亡金属-Carcass(尸体)
[38] 国内黑金属 (死因池)
[39] 芬兰旋律死亡金属-Kalmah(沼泽之王)
[40] 台湾重金属-刺客
[41] 台湾死亡/黑金属-闪灵
[42] 芬兰旋律死亡金属—Eternal Tears of Sorrow(永恒的悲伤之泪)
[43] 美国流行金属-Cinderella(灰姑娘)
[44] 瑞典强力金属-Hammerfall(雷神之槌)
[45] 荷兰旋律死亡金属-Callenish Circle(卡蓝尼轨道)
[46] 美国死亡金属-Death(死亡)
[47] 加拿大死亡金属-Cryptopsy(地宫石魔)
[48] 美国新浪潮金属-Chimaira(怪兽奇美拉)
[49] 西班牙强力金属-Dreamaker(梦精灵)
2 经典全世界所有重金属(死亡)乐队
[51] 瑞典前卫金属-Pain Of Salvation(救赎之痛)
[52] 挪威歌特金属-Trail of Tears (泪痕)
[53] 瑞典厄运金属-Lake Of Tears(泪湖)
[54] 芬兰前卫/古典金属-Apocalyptica(启示录)
[55] 美国强力金属-Manowar(战神)
[56] 美国激流金属-Testament(圣约书)
[57] 瑞典强力/民谣金属-Falconer(养鹰者)
[60] 美国强力金属-Pantera(潘特拉)
[61] 美国另类金属-Machine Head(机器迷)
[62] 挪威原始黑金属-Mayhem(残害)
[63] 巴西歌特/死亡金属试听-Silent Cry(寂静的哭泣)
[64] 瑞典旋律死亡金属-Dark Tranquility(深邃宁静)
[65] 以色列前卫/死亡金属-Orphaned Land(罪之孤岛)
[66] 德国古典交响金属-Haggard(狂野之鹰)
[67] 德国歌特/厄运金属乐队Lacrimas Profundere(泪痕悲歌)
[68] 芬兰民谣黑金属-Finntroll(芬兰颂歌)
[69] 美国硬核金属-Biohazard(生化危机)
[70] 美国碾核/死亡金属-Autopsy(剖尸)
[71] 加拿大激流金属-Annihilator(歼灭者)
[72] 德国旋律死亡金属-Burden Of Grief(悲伤的负担)
[73] 美国另类金属-Coal Chamber(煤库)
[74] 国内说唱金属-扭曲的机器
[75] 台湾另类/说唱金属-阿弟仔
[76] 巴西另类金属-Soulfly(飞灵)
[77] 美国前卫金属-Kamelot(幸运星)
[78] 美国另类金属-Stereomud(立体泥浆)
[79] 美国另类金属-Soil(土壤)
[80] 瑞典前卫死亡金属-Tiamat(泰麦特)
[81] 波兰死亡金属-Decapitated(斩首)
[82] 瑞典厄运/歌特金属-Beseech(乞求)
[83] 巴西死亡金属-Sepultura(埋葬)
[84] 美国另类金属-Drowning Pool(溺水池)
[85] 德国强力/速度金属-Masterplan(蓝图)
[86] 英国歌特/厄运金属-My Dying Bride(我垂死的新娘)
[87] 美国另类金属试听-Slipknot(活结)
[88] 瑞典残暴死亡金属-Dismember(肢解)
[89] 芬兰阴暗黑金属-Thy Serpent(巨蟒)
[90] 美国另类/工业金属-Rob Zombie(罗伯僵尸)
[91] 德国强力金属-Primal Fear(原始恐惧)
[92] 美国强力金属-Nevermore(永不超生)
[87] 美国另类金属-Slipknot(活结)
[94] 瑞典死亡金属-Hypocrisy(伪善)
[95] 德国强力/速度金属-Helloween(万圣节)
[96] 瑞典旋律死亡金属-Arch Enemy(大敌)
[97] 芬兰旋律死亡金属-Norther(酷寒北风)
3 经典全世界所有重金属(死亡)乐队
[99] 德国激流金属-Destruction(毁灭)
[100] 美国前卫金属-Savatage(野蛮)
[101] 瑞典交响黑金属-Thyrfing(魔咒之刃)
[102] 俄罗斯厄运/民谣金属-Forest Stream(森林溪)
[103] 英国死亡金属-Carcass(尸体)
[104] 美国另类金属-Incubus(梦魇)
[105] 奥地利氛围黑金属-Summoning(召唤)
[106] 国内死亡金属 -(血腥高潮)
[107] 美国死亡金属-Suffocation(窒息)
[108] 意大利交响黑金属-Stormlord(暴风魔王)
[109] 德国强力/速度金属-Edguy(刀锋边缘)
[110] 英国新浪潮金属-Iron Maiden(铁娘子)
[111] 瑞典死亡/黑金属-Witchery(巫术)
[112] 意大利前卫/强力金属试听-Eldritch(爱尔德里奇)
[113] 英国重金属-Black Sabbath(黑色安息日)
[114] 巴西前卫/交响金属-Angra(火神安格拉)
[115] 法国前卫交响金属-Adagio(柔板)
[116] 英国硬摇滚-White Snake(白蛇)
[117] 美国流行金属-Van Halen(范·海伦)
[118] 交响/史诗金属-The Ring(魔戒)
[119] 美国新浪潮金属-Shadows Fall(阴影降临)
[120] 荷兰歌特金属-Within Temptation(诱惑本质)
[121] 美国硬摇滚-Velvet Revolver(丝绒左轮)
[123] 挪威交响歌特金属-Sirenia(海妖)
[124] 美国说唱摇滚-Kid Rock(摇滚小子)
[126] 台湾说唱金属-泼猴
[127] 国内说唱-CMCB
[129] 美国另类/说唱金属-Papa Roach(蟑螂老爹)
[130] 芬兰旋律死亡金属 - Codeon
[131] 国内新派激流金属 -(逻辑失控)
[132] 美国另类/说唱金属-P.O.D.
[133] 美国流行金属-Mr·Big(大先生)
[134] 日本重金属-阴阳座
[135] 德国工业金属-Rammstein(战车)
[137] 西班牙前卫/交响金属-Dark Moor(黑暗沼泽)
[138] 瑞典歌特/死亡金属-Therion(兽神)
[139] 国内摇滚-冷血动物
[140] 美国疯克金属-Red Hot Chili Peppers(红辣椒)
[141] 英国华丽/硬摇滚-Queen(皇后)
[142] 另类/歌特金属-Evanescence(伊凡塞斯)
[143] 美国另类金属-Alice In Chains(艾丽斯囚徒)
[144] 美国前卫金属-Dream Theater(梦剧院)
144] 美国前卫金属-Dream Theater(梦剧院)
[145] 美国歌特/工业金属-Marilyn Manson(玛丽莲·曼森)
[147] 德国新古典/歌特金属-Lacrimosa(以泪洗面)
[148] 美国另类摇滚-The Smashing Pumpkins(碎南瓜)
4 经典全世界所有重金属(死亡)乐队
[150] 英国硬摇滚-Deep Purple(深紫)
[151] 美国重金属-Kiss(吻)
[152] 英国新浪潮金属-Def Leppard(戴夫·莱帕德)
[153] 英国重金属-Motorhead(摩托头)
[154] 英国金属-Led Zeppelin(齐柏林飞艇)
[155] 美国硬摇滚-Aerosmith(史密斯飞船)
[156] 澳大利亚硬摇滚-AC/DC(交流/直流)
[157] 美国流行金属-Bon·Jovi(邦·乔维)
[158] 德国流行金属-Scorpions(蝎子)
[159] 美国流行金属-Slaughter(屠夫)
[160] 美国流行金属-Extreme(极端)
[161] 英国工业金属-Godflesh(上帝之躯)
[162] 意大利前卫金属-Rhapsody(狂想曲)
[163] 香港硬核/金属-荔枝王
[164] 意大利歌特金属-Macbeth(麦克白)
[165] 法国死亡金属-Loudblast
[166] 芬兰前卫交响金属-Nightwish(夜愿)
[167] 美国流行金属-Skid Row(穷街)
[168] 美国重金属-Gun N’Rose(枪炮与玫瑰)
[169] 芬兰前卫/强力金属-Stratovarius(灵云)
[170] 美国工业/死亡金属-Fear Factory(恐惧工厂)
[171] 德国前卫/歌特金属-Avantasia(艾凡塔西亚)
[172] 瑞典旋律死亡金属-In Flames(烈焰邪神)
[173] 美国激流金属-Metallica(金属)
[174] 美国激流金属-Megadeth(大屠杀)
[175] 美国碾核/死亡金属-Cannibal Corpse(食人尸)
[176] 美国死亡金属试听-Devourment(吞噬)
[177] 美国碾核/死亡金属-Deicide(弑神)
[178] 美国死亡/黑金属-Dissection(解剖)
[179] 挪威交响黑金属-Dimmu Borgir(黑暗城堡)
[180] 挪威交响黑金属-Emperor(帝王)
[181] 美国死亡金属-Obituary(生死簿)
[182] 瑞典原始黑金属-Bathory(巴瑟瑞)
[183] 美国另类/说唱金属-Rage Against The Machine(暴力反抗体制)
[184] 美国另类/说唱金属-Korn(科恩)
[185] 美国另类/说唱金属-Limp Bizkit(软饼干)
[186] 美国另类/说唱金属-Linkin Park(林肯公园)
[187] 美国垃圾乐-Nirvana(涅磐)
[188] 美国工业金属-Nine Inch Nails(九寸钉)
[189] 国内金属-唐朝
[190] 国内金属-超载
[191] 国内金属-夜叉
[192] 国内金属-面孔
[194]美国残忍死亡金属 - Cannibal Corpse[食人尸]
[195]美国残忍死亡金属 - Deicide[弑神者]
5 经典全世界所有重金属(死亡)乐队
[197]美国残忍死亡金属 - Suffocation[窒息]
[198]美国残忍死亡金属 - Nile[尼罗河]
[199]美国旋律死亡金属 - Arsis[强音部]
[200]加拿大残忍死亡金属 - KATAKLYSM
[201]加拿大残忍死亡金属 - Cryptopsy
[202]荷兰残忍死亡金属 - Sinister[邪恶]
[203]荷兰残忍死亡金属 - Disavowed
[204]瑞典敲击死亡金属 - Merciless[残忍]
[205]瑞典死亡金属 - Hypocrisy[伪善]
[206]瑞典死亡金属 - Grave[坟墓]
[207] 瑞典旋律死亡金属 - Arch Enemy[大敌]
[208]瑞典旋律死亡金属 - In Flames[烈焰]
[209] 瑞典旋律死亡金属 - Soilwork[土壤作业]
[210]芬兰旋律死亡金属 - Children of Bodom[博德之子]
[211]芬兰旋律死亡金属 - Norther[酷寒北风]
[212]丹麦旋律死亡金属 - Hatesphere[愤怒空间]
[213]丹麦旋律死亡金属 - Mercenary[佣兵]
[214]美国死亡金属 - Morbid Angel[病态天使]
[219]芬兰哥特/死亡金属To Die For(死因)
[223]芬兰旋律死亡金属Eternal Tears of Sorrow(永恒的悲伤之泪)
[225]芬兰维京金属Moonsorrow (月光林地)
[229]芬兰旋律黑金属Thy Serpent(巨兽)
[231]芬兰哥特金属/氛围The 69 Eyes(69眼睛)
metallica-master of pupets-ride the lighting
-给所有人公证-kill’em all
DREAM THEATER是前卫金属最伟大的乐队,
Ozzy Osbourne被誉为金属教父,
BLACK SABBATH为金属乐中的多种风格奠定了基础,
mr big是很棒的流行金属乐队(邦乔维也是一只很不错的流行金属乐队),
潘多拉(PANTERA在PHIL加入之前玩的是很主流的重金属,90年的COWBOYS FROM HELL玩的是正经的THRASH,后来CORE味道越来越重)
DREAM EVIL(美式力量的代表)
Madame Tussauds Wax Museum
by Jodi Wallace
Where can you go to see movies and TV stars, pose with singers and sports players? No not at a live concert or a celebrity's party, yet this place is as star-studded as the red carpet for the Grammy Awards. Stop guessingŠ it is no other than Madame Tussauds Wax Museums on 42nd street in Manhattan
Here the celebrities have to pose with you for your camera and you get to spend as much time as you'd like with them (because they're wax), that's probably why so many tourists flock to this museum. I've personally gone to the museum 3 times and each time they've had different people greeting you at the door such as Whoopi Goldberg and President Bush.
There's so much to see at this museum it's unbelievable. As you enter the museum you walk up the steps you see wax people on the steps. You proceed to an elevator, which takes you high above the city streets to a dinning hall that's chock full of stars such as Bradd Pitt, Oprah Winfrey, Christopher Reeves, and Governor Pataki. Next you exist to the left, which leads you to a reenactment of the French Revolution during the late 1700's. Here you see dead bodies flung on top of one another, heads on sticks, and loud war sounds. Lights masterfully recreated this period in history.
When you leave this room you enter a room that shows the process of making a wax person. From the exact eye color to the clothes and position the wax person is in, everything is done prolifically. The next room is actually a big white hall filled with presidents, poets, and governmental figures such as Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks, Maya Angelou, The Kennedy's, and Princess Diana.
As an added treat, visitors step into a movie theater, which bears striking resemblance to a New York City hotel lobby. The movie takes place on New Years Eve in New York. As you take a carriage to Times Square, your taken back in time throughout New York's as by most memorable moment's. It's no doubt delightful and an amusing movie.
However all that I have so far described didn't just appear out of nowhere there's a rich history behind it. The First Wax Museum was founded by Madame Tussaud's herself. She was born in France in the 1761. Her uncle taught her the craft of waxing and she had natural talent. Later on during the French Revolution she was called upon to go through piles of dead, decapitated bodies and find heads to make masks. However she later left France in order to establish a wax exhibition in England. How did it get here? Well an American showman visited it and wanted to buy it and move it to NY. Now 200 yrs. after her death it has come to Manhattan giving us a chance to experience this unique craft.
英 ['sɜːk(ə)l] 美 ['sɝkl]
n. 循环,周期;圆;圈子;圆形物vi. 盘旋,旋转;环行vt. 画圆圈;环绕…移动
1、osculating circle [数] 密切圆
2、Parhelic circle 幻日环
3、Kreisau Circle 克莱稍集团
4、circle bundle 圆丛
1、The plane circled, awaiting permission to land.
2、There were two helicopters circling around.
circle的近义词有cycle , revolution , rotation , round , recurrence。
英 ['saɪk(ə)l] 美 ['saɪkl]
n. 循环;周期;自行车;整套;一段时间vt. 使循环;使轮转vi. 循环;骑自行车;轮转
1、Booms run in cycle.
2、There is a cycle to what we and our teams do.
英 [revə'luːʃ(ə)n] 美 ['rɛvə'lʊʃən]
n. 革命;旋转;运行;循环
1、The epoch of revolution creates great figures.
2、Some people were decapitated during the French Revolution.
为什么书名叫做《a severed head》
在第十三章的末尾,Honor在熟练地耍练一把日本武士战刀,"She threw up the other napkin and decapitated it". 这里可以联想到a decapitated person whose head has been severed like the napkin. 还有在第27章里,Honor说"I am a severed head such as primitive tribes and old alchemists used to use...And who knows but that long acquaintance with a severed head might not lead to strange knowledge."
英 [ðeər'ɑːftə]
美 [,ðɛr'æftɚ]
adv. 其后;从那时以后
thereafter 此后,其后,以后
thereafter decapitated 断头处死
thereafter ad 治疗,治疗理疗,此后
Zhou Yu (周瑜, 175-210) was a famous and one of the most capable military strategists for Sun Ce and his successor Sun Quan during the Three Kingdoms era; the turbulent years leading to the end of Han Dynasty in China.
Early life
Zhou Yu was born in Lujiang District. Zhou Yu was born into a cultured family that produced many officials, and when Sun Jian was attacking Dong Zhuo, he moved his family to live together with Zhou Yu's family. Sun Jian's son Sun Ce and Zhou Yu studied together and became lifelong friends. Soon, Zhou Yu's uncle became the governor of Danyang, and the whole family relocated to Danyang, where they served Yuan Shu.
Sun Ce, under a commission from Yuan Shu, entered Yangzhou in order to aid his relatives, Wu Jing and Sun Ben, who were attacked by Liu Yao. Zhou Yu and his uncle, Zhou Shang, were among the first to join Sun Ce's army, superseded only by a fellow officer of Yuan Shu, Lü Fan, and the former retainers of Sun Jian. After Sun Ce defeated Liu Yao and his allies, Zhou Yu and his uncle were summoned to return to Yuan Shu while Sun Ce continued his conquests.
In 197, confident that he had Sun Ce's support, Yuan Shu declared himself Emperor. Sun Ce, citing loyalty to Emperor Xian, declared independence and allied with Lü Bu, Cao Cao, and Liu Bei to oppose his former master. It was at this time that Zhou Yu returned to Sun Ce's army, this time bringing a wealthy merchant named Lu Su, who would go on to serve the Sun family as Zhou Yu's successor.
It was around this time that Zhou Yu and Sun Ce wed the Two Qiaos, daughters of Qiao Xuan, a famed scholar and critic. Very soon afterwards, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu pacified most of Yangzhou Province south of Yangtze and extended their power both south into the native Yue area and north into the Huai River region, defeating Liu Xun and the remnant forces of Yuan Shu in the north as well as Huang Zu and the forces of Liu Biao to the west.
[edit] Campaigns against Huang Zu and Cao Cao
In 200, Sun Ce was assassinated and he passed down his power to his brother, Sun Quan. Zhou Yu took over the military affairs while Zhang Zhao was given the domestic affairs. Around this time, Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao and he demanded that Sun Quan send a family member hostage. Zhou Yu advised against sending a hostage. This raised Zhou Yu's respect within the Sun family, and he was treated as an elder brother by Sun Quan. In 206, Zhou Yu attacked the local bandits and captured over ten thousand people and resettled them. Then he repelled an attack by Liu Biao and captured enemy general Deng Long.
In 208, Sun Quan ordered an attack on Jiangxia, which was protected by the Sun family's nemesis, Huang Zu. Zhou Yu led the navy, and along with Gan Ning, Lü Meng, Dong Xi and Xu Sheng, defeated Huang Zu at Xiakou, killing him. It was not shortly thereafter that Cao Cao began a general campaign aimed at wiping out all opposition in southern China and reunify the empire. As his army conquered Jingzhou and was closing in on Sun Quan, Sun Quan's court was divided on the issue of whether to surrender or resist. Sun Quan consulted Zhou Yu, who replied: "Although Cao Cao pretends to be a minister of Han, he is actually a thief who is attempting to steal the empire from Han. Your majesty, with your brilliant talent and your father and brother's military prowess, have ruled and pacified Eastern Wu. The territory stretches thousand of li, the soldier are well trained, brilliant advisors of great talents are at your disposal. It is the time to get rid Cao Cao and help the Han dynasty to reunify China. Cao Cao came down south and presented himself as an opportunity for you, your majesty. Now I will analyse for you the dire situation Cao Cao has placed himself into: Even if the north has been completely unified, can Cao Cao's ground based army fight against our superior navy and marines? The truth is that the north has not been completely pacified. Ma Chao will remain a thorn in Cao Cao's flesh. Cao Cao's superior cavalry is useless against the mountainous and watery terrain of the south. Winter is upon us, and yet Cao Cao's large army has to depend on a long supply line halfway across China. Cao Cao's army are mainly composed of northerners, and they are not used to the environment of the south, thus they will easily become sick. With all of these problems, I promise you that with thirty thousand men, I can easily break him." Greatly relieved, Sun Quan decided to fight.
Zhou Yu accepting the position of Commander-in-chief of the Wu navy at Chi Bi in the 84-episode TV serial Romance of the Three KingdomsThe famous Battle of Red Cliffs ensued. Contrary to popular belief, Zhuge Liang did not contribute much and Zhou Yu was the supreme commander of the united forces against Cao Cao. In this battle, a series of stratagems were employed by Zhou Yu to destroy Cao Cao's giant fleet. Huang Gai proposed a plan in which he pretended to surrender to Cao Cao and infiltrated Cao Cao's camp. There, he set his own ships on fire and rammed them into Cao Cao's ships before jumping into the river. Much of Cao Cao's ships were destroyed and Cao Cao was forced to flee back to Xuchang.
Afterwards, Zhou Yu led his army in pursue and laid siege to the strategic town of Nanjun (Jiangling). While on the front lines, Zhou Yu was struck by a stray arrow and seriously wounded. He withdrew from the frontlines, leaving Cheng Pu, who had shared command responsibilities with Zhou Yu, to command the siege. Cao Ren, the defending general, heard of Zhou Yu's wounds and attempted to launch a counterattack, but Zhou Yu personally inspected his troops and sent them into battle, nearly slaying Cao Ren's officer, Niu Jin. After a year of siege, Nanjun was taken and Zhou Yu was named Governor of Nanjun.
[edit] Death
Zhou Yu offered to ally against Cao Cao, but secretly he wanted to attack Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang, already knowing of his plan, ordered generals Zhou Yun, Ma Chao, Guan Yu, and several others to hold their positions and do not listen to Zhou Yu. When Zhou Yu approached Zhao Yun, he offered the allied attack. Zhao Yun only smiled and told him Zhuge Liang already saw through his plan and has ordered to ignore Zhou Yu. Angered by his response, he vomited blood and decided to retreat. When Zhou Yu found out that he had been surrounded by Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and several others, he vomited more blood. Somehow, he ran into Zhuge Liang, who calmly was sitting at the top of a mountain. Zhou Yu laughed and said he finally had him where he wanted him, but archers appeared from the bushes and shot at Zhou Yu. When Zhou Yu retreated and returned to his home, he became sick and died.
He was buried in his ancestral home in Lujiang. He was succeeded in his military command by Lu Su and in his nobility rank by his eldest son, Zhou Xun.
[edit] Qualities
Zhou Yu was intelligent and young, and he was also considered a very handsome man by his contemporaries. He was very open and made friends with his humbleness. Cheng Pu was an elder general of Sun Jian and he made fun of Zhou Yu's youth. Yet Zhou Yu took all of the abuse stoically and they eventually became great friends. He was a man of many talents, who was also well versed in music and poems. There was a saying at that time: "Should the tune be in error, Zhou Yu takes note." ("曲有误, 周郎顾")
He was also famous for his loyalty. Even though Sun Quan saw Zhou Yu as an older brother, Zhou Yu never crossed the line, and he always served Sun Quan with humility and care.
On the Kunqu stage, Zhou Yu appears as a zhiweisheng, as in the scene "The Swaying Reeds", where he is captured and ultimately set free by Zhang Fei.
In Chinese opera, Zhou Yu is played by the xiaosheng (young man) or wusheng (military man), even when sharing the stage with Zhuge Liang, who was actually the younger of the two.
[edit] Modern references
A film currently showing in theatre titled Red Cliff, directed by John Woo featured Tony Leung Chiu Wai as Zhou Yu.
In the Koei video game series Dynasty Warriors (based on Romance of the Three Kingdoms), Zhou Yu is portrayed as a powerful, highly intelligent and handsome man. He wears a red gown with gold decorations and wields a very long, lavishly decorated dao. In Dynasty Warriors 6 he wears a ponytail and wields a bo staff.
[edit] Family
Great grandfather
Zhou Rong - the Imperial Secretary (尚书令) in charge of reading and interpreting reports to the emperor.
Zhou Jing - first the governor of Yuzhou (豫州刺史), and then became Imperial Secretary and finally Imperial Minister of Defence (太尉).
Zhou Yi - Mayor of the capital city Luoyang.
Zhou Shang - the Grand Administrator of Danyang (丹杨太守)
Xiao Qiao
Zhou Xun - succeeded Zhou Yu's rank of nobility and was said to possess his father's talents, and he was married to Sun Quan's eldest daughter Sun Dahu (Princess Quan). He died suddenly and was succeeded by his younger brother.
Zhou Yin - succeeded Zhou Xun
A daughter, Zhou Ying, was married to Sun Deng, Sun Quan's eldest son.
Zhou Jun - served Wu as a notable military officer and participated in numerous battles under the command of Lu Xun (Three Kingdoms).
Sworn Brother and brother in law
Zhuge Liang (Chinese: 诸葛亮; pinyin: Zhūgě Liàng, 181–234) was Chancellor of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period of China. He is often recognised as the greatest and most accomplished strategist of his era.[2]
Often depicted wearing a robe and holding a fan made of crane feathers,[3] Zhuge was not only an important military strategist and statesman; he was also an accomplished scholar and inventor. His reputation as an intelligent and learned person grew even while he was living in relative seclusion, gaining him the nickname "Fulong" (伏龙, alternatively translated as "Hidden Dragon"[4]). Because he lived near to Wolong border (卧龙强), he was also called Mr. Wolong, pronounced "Wolong-xiansheng" (卧龙先生).[2]
Zhuge is an uncommon two-character compound family name. His name – even his surname alone – has become synonymous with intelligence and tactics in Chinese culture
Early life
Zhuge Liang was born in Yangdu County (阳都) in Langya Commandery (琅琊), at present-day Yinan County (沂南), Shandong Province. He was the second of three brothers and was orphaned early on; his mother died when he was nine, and his father when he was twelve. His uncle raised him and his siblings.[5] When Cao Cao invaded Shandong in 195, his family was forced to flee south, and his uncle soon died of illness.
Although both his sisters married into important families with numerous connections in the area, for ten years he resided in Longzhong Commandery (隆中; in present-day Hubei province)[5] with his brothers Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Jun (诸葛均) in a simple peasant life – farming by day and studying by night.
The Temple of the Marquis of Wu in Chengdu, a temple worshipping Zhuge Liang.He developed friendships among the local intelligentsia. His reputation soon grew, and he was named the Crouching (or Sleeping) Dragon, an indication that he was viewed as wise among his peers in many areas. Meanwhile, he married the daughter of another renowned scholar Huang Chengyan, whose wife was the sister of Lady Cai, wife of the warlord Liu Biao, and sister of Cai Mao, one of Liu Biao's most powerful generals. Zhuge Liang's wife's name is rumored to be Huang Yueying. The Huang family was also connected to several other well established clans in the region.
[edit] Rise to prominence
The warlord Liu Bei harbored in the neighboring city Xiangyang under his distant relative and the governor of the Jing Province (荆州), Liu Biao. Zhuge Liang joined Liu Bei in 207 only after Liu Bei visited him in person three times.[2][I] Zhuge Liang soon presented his famous Longzhong Plan before Liu Bei, travelled in person to Eastern Wu and formed an alliance with its ruler, Sun Quan.
In the Battle of Red Cliffs of 208, the allied armies of Liu Bei and Sun Quan defeated Cao Cao, thus enabling Liu Bei to establish his own territories. The historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms described that Zhuge Liang called forth a southeastern wind to sweep Huang Gai's fire-attack throughout Cao Cao's ships[6]. In reality, however, it was the Wu officer Zhou Yu who masterminded the fire attack. In folklore, the wind is attributed to either Zhuge Liang's magic or his ability to predict the weather.
The union with Sun Quan broke down when Wu general Lü Meng invaded the Jing Province in 219 when its defender Guan Yu was at the Battle of Fancheng. Guan Yu was eventually captured by the Wu forces and was decapitated. Liu Bei, infuriated with the execution of his longtime comrade, ignored all arguments of his well-meaning subjects and turned on Eastern Wu, leading a huge army to seek revenge. He was defeated in the ensuing Battle of Yiling by Lu Xun and died in the lone fortress of Baidicheng after a hasty and humiliating retreat to his own borders. After the death of Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang became the chancellor of Shu Han under Liu Shan, Liu Bei's son, and renewed the alliance with Sun Quan.[5] Despite Liu Bei's request that Zhuge Liang assume control of Shu Han should his son prove to be an incompetent leader, Zhuge did not, serving Liu Shan unwaveringly.
[edit] The Southern Expedition
Main article: Zhuge Liang's Southern Campaign
During his reign as regent, Zhuge Liang pursued the goal of restoring the Han Dynasty, which, in Shu's point of view, was usurped by Cao Wei. Zhuge Liang felt that in order to attack Wei he would first have to unify Shu Han completely.[7] If he fought in the north while the Nanman people rebelled in the south, then the Nanman people would march further and perhaps even press into areas surrounding the capital. So rather than embarking on a northern invasion, Zhuge Liang led an army to pacify the south first.
Ma Su, brother of Ma Liang, proposed the plan that Zhuge Liang should work toward getting the tribes to join him rather than trying to subdue all of them and he took this plan. Zhuge Liang defeated the rebel leader, Meng Huo, seven different times, but released him each time in order to achieve his genuine surrender.[8]
Finally, Meng Huo agreed to join Zhuge Liang in a genuine acquiescence, and thus Zhuge Liang appointed Meng Huo governor of the region, so he could govern it as he already had, keeping the populace content, and keeping the southern Shu border secure to allow for the future Northern Expeditions.[7] Zhuge Liang also obtained resources from the south, and after this, Zhuge Liang made his moves north.
[edit] The Northern Expeditions
Main article: Zhuge Liang's Northern Expeditions
From 228 until his death in 234, Zhuge Liang launched five Northern Expeditions against Cao Wei, but all except one failed, usually because his food supplies ran out rather than failure on the battlefield. His only permanent gain was the addition of the Wudu (武都) and Yinping (阴平) prefectures as well as relocating Wei citizens to Shu on occasion.[9]
During his first Northern Expedition, Zhuge Liang persuaded Jiang Wei, a general of Cao Wei, to defect to Shu Han.[9] Jiang Wei would become one of the prominent Shu generals, and inheritor of Zhuge Liang's ideals. On the fifth expedition, he died of overwork and illness in an army camp in the Battle of Wuzhang Plains at the age of 54. At Zhuge's recommendation, Liu Shan commissioned Jiang Wan to succeed him as Regent.[10]
In the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang attempted to extend his lifespan by twelve years, but failed when the ceremony was disturbed when Wei Yan rushed in, announcing the arrival of the Wei army[11]. The novel also related a story of Zhuge Liang passing the 24 Volumes on Military Strategy (兵法二十四篇) to Jiang Wei at the eve of his death[12].
[edit] In Romance of the Three Kingdoms
The wisdom and achievements of Zhuge Liang were made popular by Romance of the Three Kingdoms attributed to Luo Guanzhong more than a millennium after the Three Kingdoms era ended. The novel incorporates many popular folklore, pseudohistories, and opera scripts into the character of Zhuge Liang, turning him into an embodiment of intelligence itself. Differences from historic accounts include:
[edit] Using straw boats to borrow arrows
Before the Battle of Red Cliffs, Zhuge Liang went to visit the Wu camp to assist Wu strategist Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu saw Zhuge Liang as a threat to Eastern Wu and was also jealous of Zhuge Liang's talent. Therefore, he assigned Zhuge Liang the task to make 100,000 arrows in ten days or face execution. Zhuge Liang, however, swore he would finish this seemingly impossible task in three days. He requested 20 large boats, each manned with many straw men and a few soldiers. Before dawn, Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers to beat war drums and shout orders, to imitate the noise of an attack.
Zhuge Liang sat with Lu Su inside one of the boats drinking wine. The Wei soldiers, unable to see in the fog, fired many volleys of arrows at the sound of the drums. The straw men were soon filled with arrows, and Zhuge Liang returned to Wu having fulfilled his promise.
Hence, the Chinese expression "草船借箭" ("Straw boat borrows arrows") refers to the act of using someone's strength against him or her.
[edit] Stone Sentinel Maze
See also: Stone Sentinel Maze
In Chapter 84, as Lu Xun pursued the fleeing Liu Bei after the Battle of Yiling, he felt a strong enemy presence near Baidicheng and cautioned his army for possible ambush. He sent scouts ahead, who reported that the area was empty except for some scattered piles of stones. Bewildered, he asked one of the locals, who answered that Qi started to emerge from the area after Zhuge Liang had arranged the stones there. Lu Xun himself then inspected the area, and determined that the array was only a petty display of deception. He led a few cavaliers into the array, and as he was about to come out, a strong gust blew. Soon, duststorms were shadowing the sky and the stones became swords, mountainous piles of dirt emerged while the waves of the Yangtze River sounded like swords and drums. Lu Xun exclaimed, "I fell into Zhuge's trap!" and attempted to exit to no avail.
some people后接动词三单式吗?
some people
Some people annotate as they read.
Some people were decapitated during the French Revolution.
刘德华喊话四大天王合体做节目:他们愿意我 彭于晏带违规水果过海关被罚 据台湾媒体报道,彭于晏7月1日返回台北在松山机场过海关的时候,因为不小心带了水果,被海关查获并罚款3000元台币 。有台湾媒体询问机场工作人...[详情]分类:知识库时间:12:37
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