Before a date with Paul the "wine guy", Monica is teased by her friends, Chandler and Joey, at The Central Perk coffee shop. Ross, Monica's older brother, arrives at the coffee shop, upset after discovering his ex-wife, now a lesbian, has moved out of his apartment to begin a new relationship with her partner. A young woman suddenly arrives wearing a wet wedding dress, whom Monica recognizes as her high school best friend, Rachel. Monica introduces her to the others as Rachel reveals she left her fiancé at the altar. After Rachel's father denies her financial assistance, Monica reluctantly takes Rachel in as a new roommate.
Meanwhile, Joey and Chandler console Ross while helping him assemble new furniture. Ross begins to wonder if any woman would be "the right one" for him. Monica goes on her first date with Paul, and while he seems decent and respectful, she discovers from a colleague that he has a bad reputation as a womanizer, ending her hopes that she will find a mate. Ross realizes that Rachel could be the beginning of a new hope for him. He successfully brings up the idea to Rachel of asking her out sometime, and later confesses to Monica about the potential relationship.
In the final scene, the entire group are in Central Perk having coffee with Rachel, who begins a new career as a coffee shop waitress.
If you ever need
call my name,I'll be there
第一季第一集101 Pilot
场景:What song was playing while Ross and Rachel were each looking out of their windows, during the rainstorm?
歌曲名称:Sky Blue and Black
演唱者:Jackson Browne
专辑出处:I''m Alive.
In the calling out to one another
Of the lovers up and down the strand
In the sound of the waves and the cries
Of the seagulls circling the sand
In the fragments of the songs
Carried down the wind from some radio
In the murmuring of the city in the distance
Ominous and low
I hear the sound of the world where we played
And the far too simple beauty
Of the promises we made
If you ever need holding
Call my name, and I''ll be there
If you ever need holding
And no holding back, and I''ll see you through
Sky Blue And Black
Where the touch of the lover ends
And the soul of the friend begins
There''s a need to be separate and a need to be one
And a struggle neither wins
Where you gave me the world I was in
And a place I could make a stand
I could never see how you doubted me
When I''d let go of you hand
Yeah, and I was much younger then
And I must have thought that I would know
If things were going to end
And the heavens were rolling
Like a wheel on a track
And our sky was unfolding
And it''ll never fold back
Sky Blue And Black
And I''d have fought the world for you
If I thought that you wanted me to
Or put aside what was true or untrue
If I''d known that''s what you needed
What you needed me to do
But the moment has passed by me now
To have put away my pride
And just come through for you somehow
If you ever need holding
Call my name, and I''ll be there
If you ever need holding
And no holding back, I''ll see you through
You''re the color of the sky
Reflected in each store-front window pane
You''re the whispering and the sighing
Of my tires in the rain
You''re the hidden cost and the thing that''s lost
In everything I do
Yeah and I''ll never stop looking for you
In the sunlight and the shadows
And the faces on the avenue
That''s the way love is
老友记第一季第一集hit on her 什么意思
Hit on sb. 与come on to sb.和pass at sb.和crash on sb.都是对某人有好感的意思,还有个有意思的短语是flirt with sb.意思也是有好感. 而前面那些与flirt with sb.还有区别.前者指的是对某人有意思,有好感(情感上或“生理”上),不一定(只是不一定要付诸行动,即“被某人所吸引”,而后者则应包括付诸行动,比如我们常说的“上前搭讪,引人注意,挑逗,调情”。当然具体到实际生活中两种情况有可能交叉,我看的字幕版本写的是"你别挑逗她了" 还是很准确的
是因为在这样的时候,她居然还挑三拣四的要make sure这个是无咖啡因的。。仅此而已~
有一句是这样的:Me and Chandler live across the hall. 请问这里的主语为什么使用的是“me”而不是“I”?
从ROSS 的fantasy对象为Princess Leia in the gold bikini(Chandler.M.bing 也好这一口)可以看出那时候star wars 是非常流行的,很多人都有skywalker情节。Joey这么潮的人(并且半真半假是个演员)受电影里面剧情和对白的影响也就不足为奇了。
“Me and Chandler live across the hall” 这里Joye是酷酷的说出来的,貌似是在模仿Master Yoda(尤达大师)说话的方式(此老头说话很个性)。
美国电视剧《老友记》(Friends)中有一首好听的歌曲,歌曲名叫《Sky Blue and Black》,演唱者Jackson Browne,生于1948年,入选了摇滚名人堂,还是一个诗人。
根据American Songwriter的介绍,Jackson Browne写这首歌时,正在加州的太平洋海岸公路(Pacific Coast Highway)上开车。黄昏的高速公路空无一人,他望着悬崖外辽阔的海洋和天空,想起自己失败的感情,海风如诉,情绪再也无法抑制了。 In the calling out to one another
Of the lovers up and down the strand
In the sound of the waves and the cries
Of the seagulls circling the sand
In the fragments of the songs
Carried down the wind from some radio
In the murmuring of the city in the distance
Ominous and low
I hear the sound of the world where we played
And the far too simple beauty
Of the promises we made
If you ever need holding
Call my name, and I’ll be there
If you ever need holding
And no holding back, and I'll see you through
Sky Blue And Black
Where the touch of the lover ends
And the soul of the friend begins
There's a need to be separate and a need to be one
And a struggle neither wins
Where you gave me the world I was in
And a place I could make a stand
I could never see how you doubted me
When I'd let go of your hand
Yeah, and I was much younger then
And I must have thought that I would know
If things were going to end
And the heavens were rolling
Like a wheel on a track
And our sky was unfolding
And it'll never fold back
Sky Blue and Black
And I’d have fought the world for you
If I thought that you wanted me to
Or put aside what was true or untrue
If I’d known that’s what you needed
What you needed me to do
But the moment has passed by me now
To have put away my pride
And just come through for you somehow
If you ever need holding
Call my name, I’ll be there
If you ever need holding
And no holding back, I’ll see you through
You’re the color of the sky
Reflected in each store-front window pane
You’re the whispering and the sighing
Of my tires in the rain
You’re the hidden cost and the thing that’s lost
In everything I do
Yeah and I’ll never stop looking for you
In the sunlight and the shadows
And the faces on the avenue
That’s the way love is
That’s the way love is
That’s the way love is
Sky blue and black
老友记第一季第一集中 turn down
第一集中Rachel在讲述事情经过时有一句话: I realized I was more turned down by the bravy boat than Barry.
这个turn down是什么意思? 百度上搜索只能找到调低,调小,但是我觉得这里应该不是,但是百度又搜索不到turn down 的其他习惯用法
你听错了吧。不是turn down, 而是turn on.turn on,一般情况下是打开的意思,比如turn on the radio,这里是指让某人更兴奋激动的意思,想一想,平时在路上走,这时候有个sexy美女路过,你就可以说:wow,the gal really turns me on.
我不知道,因为她讲的太快了,我听不清。只是看剧本的时候是turn down 。这位高手不知你是否有看老友记,第一季第一集, Rachel 穿着婚纱给大伙讲述她逃婚的经过的时候出现的词
的确是turn on 。我也查了我手边的剧本,写的是turn on。不知你看的是哪个蹩脚版的剧本,肯定错了啦
Chandler: Alright, so I'm back in high school, I'm standing in the middle of the cafeteria, and I realize I am totally naked.
All: Oh, yeah. Had that dream.
Chandler: Then I look down, and I realize there's a phone... there.
Joey: Instead of...?
Chandler: That's right.
Joey: Never had that dream.
Phoebe: No.
Chandler: All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring. Now I don't know what to do, everybody starts looking at me.
Monica: And they weren't looking at you before?!
Chandler: Finally, I figure I'd better answer it, and it turns out it's my mother, which is very-very weird, because- she never calls me!
一 Chandler: Then I look down, and I realize there's a phone... there.
二 All: Oh, yeah. Had that dream这是什么意思,他们真的都做过这种梦?
三 Chandler: Finally, I figure I'd better answer it, and it turns out it's my mother, which is very-very weird, because- she never calls me!真是天马行空的思维,
四 包袱求解,
All: Oh, yeah. Had that dream
他们都做过totally naked的梦
Chandler: Then I look down, and I realize there's a phone... there.
Monica: (explaining to the others) Carol moved her stuff out today.
Monica: (pointing at Rachel) De-caff. (to All) Okay, everybody, this is Rachel, another Lincoln High survivor. (to Rachel) This is everybody, this is Chandler, and Phoebe, and Joey, and- you remember my brother Ross?
Lincoln High survivor是啥意思?
Monica: (explaining to the others) Carol moved her stuff out today
Lincoln High survivor意思是林肯高中的幸存者(意思在搞笑地说林肯高中的学生很难活着毕业,一般情况下在学校读书时候就被老师折磨死了)

《老友记第一季》是由凯文·布赖特执导的情景喜剧,詹妮弗·安妮斯顿、大卫·休默参加演出。 该剧主要讲述了三男三女之间的友情、爱情和事业故事。
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