《Darkside》 歌手:Alan Walker
《Talk》 歌手:Why Don't We
《Side Effects》 歌手:The Chainsmokers
《Beautiful》 歌手:Bazzi
《High On Life》 歌手:Martin Garrix
《Natural》 歌手:Imagine Dragons
《Ferrari》 歌手:Bebe Rexha
《Solo》 歌手:Clean Bandit
《Don't Leave Me Alone》歌手:David Guetta
《Girls Night Out》 歌手:Charli XCX
欧美音乐(Western music),泛指来源于西方国家(欧美地区,一般意义上包括北美、拉丁美洲、欧洲、大洋洲)的音乐,歌曲语言多以英语、法语、西班牙语、俄语等为主。其中以流行音乐最具代表性。一般包括包括古典音乐和欧美流行音乐。欧美音乐一般包括另类音乐(Alternative music)、蓝调音乐(Blues music)、古典音乐(Classical music)、喜剧(Comedy)、乡村音乐(Country music)、舞曲(Dace music)、迪斯科(Disco)、民谣(Folk)、福音音乐(Gospel music)、爵士音乐(Jazz music)、拉丁音乐(Latin music)、波尔卡(Polka)、流行音乐(Pop music)、节奏蓝调(R&B)、说唱乐(Rap)、雷鬼音乐(Reggae music)、摇滚乐(Rock & Roll)、世界音乐(World music)等。
从40年代末期到现在数不清的经典摇滚歌曲充斥着我们的生活,Let It Be-The Beatles、Stairway to Heaven-Led Zeppelin、Hotel California-Eagles、We Will Rock You-Queen、Comfortably Numb-Pink Floyd、Still loving you-Scorpions等等都是经典,这些经典好听的摇滚歌曲你即使不会唱也会跟着哼几句,如果选择我心目中的十首,排列如下:
1、Let It Be
《Let It Be》是英国摇滚乐队披头士的一首歌曲,由保罗·麦卡特尼演唱、填词作曲,乔治·马丁担任制作人,收录在披头士第12张录音室专辑《Let It Be》中,于1970年3月6日通过Apple唱片公司发布。歌曲于1970年4月11日登上美国公告牌百强单曲榜榜首,连续了两周,是披头士第19首公告牌冠军单曲。此外,该首歌还在澳大利亚、加拿大、奥地利、匈牙利、荷兰、挪威、瑞士等国家的单曲榜登顶。
2、Stairway to Heaven
《Stairway to Heaven》收录在Led Zeppelin的第四张专辑《Led Zeppelin IV》里,由Jimmy Page和Robert Plant创作。2004年《Guitar World》杂志评选的100 Greatest Rock Guitar Solos中排行第一。
3、Hotel California
《加州旅馆》(Hotel California)是美国著名乡村摇滚乐队老鹰乐队(Eagles)的歌曲,由乐队鼓手Don Henley担任主唱,单曲发行于1977年2月22日,收录在乐队第五张录音室同名专辑《加州旅馆》中。
4、We Will Rock You
《We Will Rock You》是Queen(皇后乐队)演唱的歌曲,歌曲词曲由乐队吉他手布赖恩·梅制作,于1977年发行,收录于乐队专辑《News of the World》中。《We Will Rock You》被大量的体育甚至政治场合借用,是1994年美国世界杯的主题曲。歌曲于2004年被《滚石》杂志评为历史上最伟大的500首歌曲第330名。
5、Comfortably Numb
《Comfortably Numb》是Pink floyd专辑《The Wall》里的第19首歌,这首歌也同时出现在《The Wall》同名电影中,是专辑中最受人瞩目的歌曲之一,理由是:这首歌极为"有趣",而且让人感到放松。你甚至可以在Internet中找到这首歌的 Midi版。迷墙这张专辑以罗杰?沃特斯的一生为线索,讲述了他的成长故事。
6、Still loving you
《Still loving you》,翻译为依然爱你,是蝎子乐队演唱的一首经典歌曲。是蝎子乐队专辑《Love at First Sting》中的第二首单曲,单曲在法国售出一百七十万张,其音乐录影带于德州的Dallas拍摄。在Billboard Hot 100最高位次是64。《Still Loving You》是一首power风格的ballad,是蝎子乐队的招牌曲之一.
7、Don’t Cry
《Don't cry》是美国硬摇滚乐队枪炮与玫瑰1991年发行的歌曲,由Axl Rose填词、Izzy Stradlin谱曲,歌曲发行有两个版本,分别收录于《Use Your Illusion I》和《Use Your Illusion II》。这首歌和他们的其它作品相比,是极其富有柔情的一首歌,音乐轻轻地响起,没有激烈的元素,没有强烈的词句,仿佛是情人间的低声耳语。前半部分带有悲凉的 情调,后半部分高潮迭起的时候,他们加进了极其明显的金属元素,表达了炽烈的情感以及对于美好未来的期冀。
8、smells like teen spirit
《Smells Like Teen Spirit》是美国摇滚乐队Nirvana的一首单曲,其名字来源于当时美国一种除臭剂,它是乐队第二张专辑Nevermind的第一首也是主打歌曲,由唱片公司DGC发行。这首歌是涅盘第一支也是最有名的热门歌曲,在Billboard Hot 100最高位次第六,并于1991年和1992年同类音乐榜单上均取佳绩。Smells Like Teen Spirit 出人意料地在1991年末大获成功,推动专辑Nevermind 登上1992年伊始的榜单冠军之位,并常被称为标志着另类摇滚成为主流的重要事件。
9、It's My Life
《It's my life》一经发行就取得了商业上和口碑上的巨大成功,在欧洲及其他多个国家的音乐排行榜达到了榜首,单曲全球总销量3460000多张,并且获得了第四十三届格莱美奖提名。这支单曲也标志着Bon Jovi 乐队在沉淀了长达五年后进入新世纪之初的一次重要的回归。该单曲以激昂的旋律和脍炙人口的歌词成功地俘获了大量年轻的歌迷群体,而Bon Jovi 也以极大的热情重新带领歌迷回归到80年代摇滚曲风浪潮。
《Numb》是美国摇滚乐队Linkin Park演唱的一首歌曲,由Linkin Park作词,Linkin Park谱曲,收录于2003年的专辑《Meteora》中,是专辑的第十三首歌曲。这首歌中,以双主唱之一的mike优美的钢琴铺垫,使得整首歌显得优美而震撼。
1.we are young
3.somebody that i used to know
4.beauty and a beat
5.the one that got away
9.die young
10.call me maybe
永远的摇滚——经典摇滚十二曲,歌词及其表演乐队1.Guns N' Roses:《Don't cry》
枪花乐队诞生于1985年的好莱坞,是美国摇滚乐史上继性手枪以来最受争议的乐队,乐队是由两支乐队L.A.GUNS和AXL.ROSE合并而成的,因此双主唱“枪”和“玫瑰”的完美和音一直是枪花乐队的招牌特色。他们的歌曲主要反映了青少年们的无由的愤怒与迷惘的情绪,表达出了一种不安和性觉醒的意味。他们的音乐主张和乐队成员的出轨行为自乐队成立起就成为评论家和摇滚迷们津津乐道的内容,因为对这些摇滚人士而言,他们的生活方式可以说就是他们的音乐内涵的最好阐述。1989年,Guns N' Roses 获得了首届 国际摇滚乐大奖的最佳艺人奖。92年就被权威的《滚石》杂志称为“全球最佳硬摇滚乐团”。此时,他们已经成了一支足以与任何老牌摇滚劲旅相抗衡的世界著名摇滚乐队。然而由于乐队两名灵魂人物的矛盾激化,不久之后枪花乐队宣布解散,乐队成员各自发展,但都是表现平平,失去了往日的锐气。虽然在90年代末乐队重组的大潮中,枪花乐队也重新复合,但创作力的消失让期待他们的歌迷大失所望。
枪花乐队最具影响力的曲目是“DON'T CRY”和“NOVEMBER RAIN”(后面一首歌因出色的歌词获得了美国最佳社会先驱奖),“DON'T CRY”在billboard排行榜上停留将近3年(147)周,创下了摇滚乐的神话.DON'T CRY这首歌中枪花乐队一改从前的愤怒激烈,两名主唱一沧桑一哀婉低吟出一段令荡气回肠的柔情曲,而歌曲表达出的无奈和失意正是愤怒的极至阿。不止在歌收尾的地方,在歌起时就有淡淡的的呻吟声,而且在整首歌里拖长的音非常之多,通过加长的鸣来表达一种撕心裂肺的心痛,在MTV版本中,两位主唱的女友皆因他们的不够珍惜而伤心离去,甚至香消玉陨,mtv用很长的篇幅来追忆从前的美好时光,悔恨的心痛表达的淋漓尽致。值得注意的是,在结尾的鸣中,主唱AXL.ROSE迎着从窗顶透射进的光尘颤抖双手,倏的一支美丽的白鸽振翅而去,或许这鸣中还隐藏着再续前缘的一种奢望!
Don't cry
Talk to me softly, theres something in your eyes
Dont hang your head in sorrow and please dont cry
I know how you feel inside ive, ive been there before
Somethins changin inside you and dont you know
Dont you cry tonight, I still love you baby, dont you cry tonight
Dont you cry tonight theres a heaven above you baby
And dont you cry tonight
Give me a whisper and give me a sigh
Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye
Dont you take it so hard now and please dont take it so bad
Ill still be thinkin of you and the times we had, baby
And dont you cry tonight, dont you cry tonight
Dont you cry tonight, theres a heaven above you baby
And dont you cry tonight
And please remember that I never lied
And please remember how I felt inside now honey
You gotta make it your own way but youll be alright now sugar
You'll feel better tomorrow, come the morning light now baby
and dont you cry tonight, and dont you cry tonight
and dont you cry tonight, theres a heaven above you baby
and dont you cry, dont you ever cry, dont you cry tonight
baby maybe someday, dont you cry, dont you ever cry, dont you cry
2.PINK FLOYD:《Wish you were here》
六十年代英国产生了不少经得起历史考验的乐队,而PINK FLOYD乐队无疑是其中最伟大的一支,从某种意义上讲,它对于摇滚发展的贡献要大于被尊称为摇滚鼻祖的BEATLES,Pink Floyd在摇滚领域许多方面的开拓和创新为它投下了耀目的不朽的光辉。1965年,天才青年、21岁的Syd Barrett与另外三名乐手组成了PINK FLOYD乐队(乐队名字取自他尊崇的两名布鲁斯歌者的名字Pink Anderson和Floyd Council),他能文能武,写歌、演唱,吉他弹奏样样拿手。乐队在乐器演奏上的实验精神,以及Syd Barrett词作笔锋犀利、曲式轻松闲雅的创作力很快就让自己在英国摇滚圈里享有了较高的地位。1967年后半年,天才的Syd Barrett由于精神崩溃和吸毒问题永远的离开了乐队,不久死于糖尿病。丧失了灵魂人物的PINK FLOYD似乎只有奇迹才能拯救。然而就在此时,Royer Waters——贝司手兼主唱,Pink Floyd的具有雄才伟略的新舵手以及新上任不久的吉他手Dave Gilmour构成了Pink Floyd再生之后的创作阵线。PINK FLOYD凤凰涅磐获得新生,并且创造了前所未有的更大成就。乐队延续实验摇滚风格的新专辑《Dark Side of the Moon》为摇滚史带来的“概念专辑”的新思想。它在公告牌排行榜冠军的位置上不可思议的停留了741周。从诞生那天起到现在它一直都是全世界范围内流行最广的摇滚专辑之一。
然而歌曲《wish you were here》却不是出自这张专辑,而是出自另外一张专为献给离队已久的乐队缔造者前吉他手Syd Barrett的专辑《wish you were here》。PINK FLOYD的这张专辑和LOU REED&JOHN CALE的那张《德雷拉之歌》(献给波普艺术大师ANDY WARHOL)是这世界上最悲哀的两张歌集。以一种兄弟的真挚来历数亡人留于脑中的记忆痕迹,没有歌颂,没有悲哀,却有一场真实的人性在里面,真实得让你眼眶湿润。旋律轻快的歌可能给人带来感官的享受,但能够渗入人的骨髓和灵魂的音乐往往是那些沧桑凄凉的心底之音。愿大家都能珍爱目前拥有的一切,莫等失去时追悔莫及!
Wish you were here
So, so you think you can tell heaven from hell,
Blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? a smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?
And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze? cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?
How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl,
Year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have you found? the same old fears.
Wish you were here.
3.DEF LEPPARD:《Long long way to go》
DEF LEPPARD是一支典型的流行重金属乐队(乐评语),流畅的旋律和优美的和声是乐队的特征之一。DEF LEPPARD音乐中的优美旋律令乐迷们对重金属音乐有了新的认识,无数热血青年受DEF LEPPARD音乐的引领步入重金属的殿堂,而这一点也成了一些评论家和重金属狂热者攻击的目标。我是这样的观点:音乐发展到今天,已经渐渐偏离了本性,流派类别之争非常激烈,摇滚看不起流行,流行当朋克是垃圾,其实大可不必如此。音乐原本就只是一段供给人欣赏的旋律加节奏的合成体,因此只应该有好音乐和不好音乐之分,而不应该硬性的归结流派。任何一支乐队或歌者都是有其自身特点的,如何分的那么清楚,有些乐队甚至是无法化入任何流派的,如Cranberries(卡百利)非常的有个性。因此,我认为,一支乐队只要他的音乐动听入心,那他的音乐就绝对有理由得到尊重。让流派见鬼去吧,Def Leppard就是Def Leppard 风格。
DEF LEPPARD成立于1977年的冬天,前身ATOMIC MASS(核能圣餐)乐队,1978年7月18日乐队第一次登台演出是在谢菲尔德的中学韦斯特菲尔德,他们的报酬是一位老师自掏腰包的5英镑。1978年DEF LEPPARD在自己创建的公司推出首张同名专辑《DEF LEPPARD》,由于资金原因,这张EP唱片只制作了1000份拷贝,时至今日,这张唱片已成为摇滚迷们渴望已久的藏品。随后DEF LEPPARD开始走向成功,并成功杀入美国,成为当时唯一能与迈克尔·杰克逊争雄的乐队。
Long long way to go
You held my hand and then you slipped away
And I may never see your face again
So tell me how do to fill the emptiness inside
Without love, what is life?
And anyone who knew us both can see
We always were the better part of me
I never wanted to be this free
All this pain, does it go away?
Then every time I turn around
And you're nowhere to be found
I know I got a long, long way to go
Before I can say goodbye to you
Oh, I got a long, long way to go
Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew
To you, to you
From memory, there is no hiding place
Turn on the TV and I see you there
In every crowd there's always someone with your face
Everywhere, trying not to care
Then every time I turn around
And you're nowhere to be found
I know I got a long, long way to go
Before I can say goodbye to you
Oh, I got a long, long way to go
Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew
To you, I wish you everything
And all the best that life can bring
I only hope you think of me sometimes, oh
And even though I feel the pain
I know that I will love again
The time will come, oh, and i'll move on
I got a long, long way to go
Before I can say goodbye to you
Oh, I got a long, long way to go, got a long way to go
Before I can say goodbye, before I say goodbye
To all I ever knew, to all I ever knew
I got a long, I got a long, long way to go, long way to go
Before I can say, before I say, goodbye to you
Say goodbye, say goodbye
Oh, I got a long, long way to go
Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew
4.NIRVANA:《Smells like teen spirit》
世界上没有几个歌者能象KURT COBAIN那样在死后得到众多乐迷们“摇滚之神”般的供奉。
90年代,美国的失业危机重新抬头,朋克乐在音乐界再度爆炸,西雅图的Grunge音乐风暴引起了强烈的反响与轰动,KURT COBAIN组建的NIRVANA(涅磐)堪称GRUNGE的领军人物。1991九月,专辑"Nevermind"发行,刚推出5周销量就已达到50万张,92年1月11日成为美国销量第一的唱片,全球的销量超过一千万大关。在商业上取得了巨大的成功。(Nevermind)使Nirvana步向成功,创造了一个非主流乐队成为主流的神话,同时也开始了一场心灵的悲剧。这首《smell like teen spirit》是NIRVANA 专辑"Nevermind"中的代表作品,音乐中扭曲的吉他,沙哑的歌喉,猛然的爆发把Kurt Cobain 内心的狂燥、愤怒、压抑、扭曲、病态、激烈的矛盾冲突完全显示了出来,同时也也反映了KURT温柔、感性、脆弱和恐惧的一面。在MTV的unpluged演唱会上,Kurt Cobain 更似一个沉静、害羞的小女孩,与外部世界的格格不入已经为悲剧的爆发奠定了伏笔。
1994年4月5日,在中国祭拜亡灵的传统节日,KURT COBAIN在自己的住所用猎枪结束了自己的生命。自杀的原因就如同他在《where did you sleep last night》中那最后一声无奈的叹息一般,没有人能够真正理解,也许神就不应该留在人世之中的吧!KURT COBAIN用行动实践了他的音乐理想,如凤凰一样涅磐重生,然而留给无数乐迷的却是无尽的怀念和心痛!!!
Smells like teen spirit
Load up on guns
And bring your friends
It's fun to lose
And to pretend
She's over bored
And self assured
Oh no, I know
A dirty word
Hello, how low?(x bunch of times)
With the lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now
Entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now
Entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My libido
I'm worse at what I do best
And for this gift I feel blessed
Our little group has always been
And always will until the end
Hello, how low?(x bunch of times)
With the lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now
Entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now
Entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My libido
And I forget
Just why I taste
Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile
I found it hard
It was hard to find
Oh well, whatever, nevermind
Hello, how low?(x bunch of times)
With the lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now
Entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now
Entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My libido
A denial
A denial...
1985年主唱兼吉他手John Rzeznik与玩重金属乐的表哥Robby Takac找来前鼓手George Tutuska,于美国纽约州水牛城组成了三人摇滚团体Goo Goo Dolls。乐队在发行前五张专辑的过程中,虽然赢得了一些好评和人气,但是乐队并未树立自己的音乐个性,因此也未能从众多的另类摇滚乐队中脱颖而出,大红大紫。
但是老天似乎特别偏爱他们,幸逢电影《City Of Angels》邀请他们为其原声带写作歌曲,John Rzeznik所谱写演唱的《Iris》(希腊文,虹彩)一曲,不仅为他们赢得1999年第41届葛莱美音乐奖"年度唱片""最佳流行演唱团体""年度歌曲"等三项大奖提名,将Goo Goo Dolls的乐坛声望与作品销售数字提携至顶端外,《Iris》一曲的制作人Rob Cavallo更以此获得"年度最佳制作"大奖。Goo Goo Dolls这才开始在乐坛树立了自己的地位,也找到了适合自己的POP ROCK(流行摇滚)风格。
《Iris》堪称流行摇滚音乐作品中十年一遇的好音乐,音乐起始清脆急促的吉他SOLO,John Rzeznik饱含沧桑的低沉嗓音对世事对爱情满腹的疑问,而曲至中段突然的高昂爆发似乎疑问已经转为了真挚的誓言,“即便万物毁灭,我也只要你知道我是谁!”旋律的优美和主唱声线的粗犷形成了鲜明对比,而正因如此,此首音乐脱离了甜腻情歌的范畴,成了百听不厌的超级经典。由于这首音乐的动听,各大城市音像店(city of angels)原声CD俱已脱销,连它的打口CD都已卖到了破记录的30元。
And I'd give up forever to touch you
Guz I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now
And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
Guz sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight
And I don't want the world to see me
Cuz I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah, you'd bleed just to know you're alive
And I don't want the world to see me
Cuz I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
And I don't want the world to see me
Cuz I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
And I don't want the world to see me
Cuz I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
6.POLICE:《Don't stand so close to me》
警察乐队是将雷鬼乐与流行摇滚结合得最成功的一支英国摇滚乐队。由前“Curved Air"乐队的鼓手Stewart Copeland和纽卡斯尔爵士乐队“No Exit”的贝司手:歌手STING于1977年成立的,他们与吉他手Andy Summers和Henry Padovani成为一个短期4人乐队,不久,Henry Padovani离开了该乐队,使之成为3人组合。
主唱兼词曲作者的STING[斯汀]是police乐队的灵魂(因为他在演出时喜欢穿黄色横条衫,形象颇似蜜蜂,所以有了sting(刺)这个名字),斯汀才华横溢,外型英俊,非常的有女歌迷人缘,他曾经有一段在大学兼职授课的经历,在课堂上女学生的大胆挑逗经常让他难以下台,他为此专门创作了一首歌《don't stand so close to me》歌词幽默,曲调非常的随意、流畅,完美的合音,强烈的节奏,高鼻音的大量运用把起源于牙买加海岸的雷鬼乐自由、极富个性化的音乐特点天衣无缝地融入摇滚乐中,开创了一个独特的摇滚音乐风格。
在他们1980-1981年旋风般地获得成功之后,他们获得不列颠音乐大奖中的“最佳英国组合”和3项格莱美奖。之后乐队的成员都开始了各自的计划,此后,乐队令人惋惜的正式解体,sting 虽然获得了更大的个人成功,包括多次格莱美奖,成为欧美乐坛的顶尖天王级歌者,但是音乐中却丧失了POLICE乐队的音乐个性魂魄,总是让人惋惜不已。
Don't stand so close to me
Young teacher the subject
Of schoolgirl fantasy
She wants him so badly
Knows what she wants to be
Inside her there's longing
This girl's an open page
Book marking she's so close now
This girls is half his age
Don't stand
Don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
Don't stand
Don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
Her friends are so jealous
You know how bad girls get
Sometimes it's not so easy
To be the teacher's pet
Temptation, frustration
So bad it makes him cry
Wet bus stop, she's waiting
His car is warm and warm and dry
Don't stand
Don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
Don't stand
Don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
Lose talk in the classroom
To hrt they try and try
Strong words in the staffroom
The accusations fly
It's no use
He sees here
He start to shake he starts to cough
Just like the old man in
That famous book by nabakoy
Don't stand
Don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
Don't stand
Don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
7.QUEEN 《Bohemian rhapsody》
很少有乐队能象QUEEN那样彻底地体现70年代世界摇滚舞台的丰富多采。QUEEN就象一个综艺大厅一样,完美将华丽摇滚,前卫摇滚,古典音乐及重金属熔为一炉。这个来自英国由迷幻硬摇滚乐队SMILE演变而来的四人乐队致力于发掘华丽和夸张(并带有同性恋倾向)的艺术风格,创造出一种带有浓厚歌剧色彩的摇滚乐形式,主唱Freddie Mercury性感而如同唱诗班的嗓音,四人完美的假声合音,层层铺垫的键盘和绚烂花哨的吉他solo是他们的标志。
A Night At The Opera(歌剧院之夜)是QUEEN乐队最为经典的专辑,乐队为这张专辑的制作耗费了巨大的精力,有报道称这是摇滚乐史上制作费用最高的一张专辑。其中著名的单曲也就是推荐的这首Bohemian Rhapsody(波西米亚狂想曲)成了QUEEN的招牌曲目,在酷似歌剧唱诗般的华丽配乐中不断加入大段的重金属吉他riff和solo,这正是QUEEN的典型风格。这首单曲在英国排行榜上迅速升到冠军的位置,并且在这个位置上停留了足有9个星期,并最终打破了英国单曲排行榜上冠军停留时间最长的记录。在美国,这首歌和整张专辑也获得了巨大的成功,进入了排行榜前10位并同时成为白金单曲和白金专辑。甚至在十多年后的1992年,这首Bohemian Rhapsody还在美国单曲排行榜上获得过数周的亚军成绩。
值得一提的是,由于主唱Freddie Mercury是一个彻底的同性恋者,1991年,关于Freddie Mercury身体状况的谣言也是漫天乱飞,在11月22日,他终于向外界证实,他染上了爱滋病。两天后,Freddie去世了。Freddie死后,乐队成员保持了一段时间的沉寂,三名成员在1994年还是重新聚到一起共同录制合成Freddie的遗作,这些歌的主唱部分都是Freddie在病床上录制完成的。1995年,这张名为Made In Heaven(天堂制造)的专辑得以发行,由于它特殊的纪念意义,这张专辑在全球范围尤其是欧洲引起了抢购狂潮,毋庸质疑,这已经是QUEEN的最后一张录音室作品了。Freddie Mercury虽然是个同性恋者,但这并不妨碍由于对华丽摇滚做出的伟大创新和贡献而受到世界无数摇滚迷的尊敬。
Bohemian rhapsody
Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go
A little high, little low
Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me
Mama, just killed a man
Put a gun against his head
Pulled my trigger, now he's dead
Mama, life had just begun
But now I've gone and thrown it all away
Mama, oh
Didn't mean to make you cry
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on
As if nothing really matters
Too late, my time has come
Sends shivers down my spine
Goodbye everybody - I've got to go
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
Mama, oh - (anyway the wind blows)
I don't want to die
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all
I see a little silhouetto of a man
Scaramouch, scaramouch will you do the fandango
Thunderbolt and lightning - very very frightening me
Gallileo, Gallileo,
Gallileo, Gallileo,
Gallileo Figaro - magnifico
But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me
He's just a poor boy from a poor family
Spare him his life from this monstrosity
Easy come easy go - will you let me go
Bismillah! No - we will not let you go - let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let me go
Will not let you go - let me go (never)
Never let you go - let me go
Never let me go - oh
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me
for me
for me
So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye
So you think you can love me and leave me to die
Oh baby
Can't do this to me baby
Just gotta get out
Just gotta get right outta here
Ooh yeah, ooh yeah
Nothing really matters
Anyone can see
Nothing really matters
Nothing really matters to me
Anyway the wind blows...
8. R.E.M :《At My Most Beautiful》
包括NIRVANA在内的许多另类乐队都声称他们的音乐启蒙于R.E.M。R.E.M成立于1980年,他们是在美国的Georgia州的Athens城组建的,乐队名字是“RAPID EYE MOVEMENT”(快速转动眼球)的缩写,指做梦时的一种生理现象。这支乐队在英式朋克音乐的嘲讽态度于新浪潮的音乐层面上出发,重新定义了美国摇滚乐中“另类”的定义,从某种意义上讲,他们是美国另类摇滚之父。
- All rise--- blue(呀呀!歌的开头是我印象深刻,很好 听) 2- About Memories--- Billy Gilman(我很喜欢这首歌的高潮部分) 3- Angle eyes--- ace of base (这是一首很老的歌,记得第一次听是上初中时在夜市淘来的盗版5元磁带上听到的,是这个组合不错的一首歌,其它的其实也有不错的,但不太记得了) 4- always come back to your love(磁性的女声让我想起了以前的spicegirl,不错) 5- Anyone Of Us Stupid Mistake--- Gareth Gates(很像westlife唱的那一类歌,适合传唱) 6- A new day has come--- Celine Dion(比较大气的一首歌) 7- Baby One More Time--- Britney Spears(喜欢小甜甜的应该会喜欢) 8- Back at One--- Brian McKnight(沙哑的男声,好听的旋律,好听就两个字,西城好像也和一个女的合唱过这首歌) 9- Because I Love You Forever And Ever(不知道是谁唱的,但听得时候会把我带到英国的老电影中去,说不上的感觉,应该是经典的一首歌吧,谁知道它的背景介绍一下) 10- Black black heart--- DAVID USHER(说实话第一次听我差点把它删了,实在不是我以前喜欢的风格,但是现在它是我mp3中的永久保留项目) 11- Cinderella(S.H.E 唱的半糖主义的英文版,好听不多说) 12- Dream come true--- S Club7 (七小龙组合唱的我唯一听过的一首歌,也是我最喜欢的歌之一) 13- Everything will flow--- Suede (也是差点在开始时被我删掉的,我就叫它第三耳好歌吧, 实在是因为第二耳也没能吸引我,但现在我却听得很有味道) 14- Everytime--- Britney Spears(也是SHE翻唱的一首歌,不记得歌名了) 15- Far Away From Home--- Groove Coverage(跟着这首歌的旋律我好像真的远离家乡了,喜欢) 16- God Rest You Merry Gentlemen (张韶涵的《寓言》的英文版,但风格完全不一样,是教堂唱诗班的那种童声小合唱,反正我喜欢) 17- Goodnight Moon Shivaree (懒洋洋的时候很适合听,但它也是第三耳好歌,越听越有味道) 18- Heal the world--- Michael Jackson (因为这首歌很喜欢麦克尔杰克逊,wonderful 就一个字) 19- Hero (很多人都听过吧) 20- HeyJuliet--- LMNT (节奏感很强,不错) 21- I COULD BE THE ONE---Donna Lewis (喜欢,喜欢,喜欢) 22- I Have Nothing--- Whitney Houston(惠特尼一贯的曲风) 23- I Swear--- All 4 One (是碟店里卖的英文经典金曲中的一员) 24- I Will Come To You (是某个汽车品牌的广告曲,还挺不错的) 25- Je M'Appelle Helene (一首很多人喜欢的法语歌,《我的名字叫伊莲》不多说了 音乐无国界) 26- JESUS, ETC (第五耳好歌,呵呵) 27- le papillon (法国电影《蝴蝶》中的歌,听不懂也不妨碍我喜欢它,超可爱) 28- Life for Rent--- Dido(我喜欢, 不知道别人怎样) 29- Life is Cool--- sweetbox (强烈推荐,生活真的是很cool) 30- Lonely--- Nana (上面说那么多,这首不知该说什么了,喜欢) 31- Loving you--- minner riperton(很~~ 不知道怎么形容,自己听吧) 32- more than love--- sweetbox(不如上一首Life is Cool,但也不错) 33- Never Say Goodbye--- Hayley Westenra(很慢很慢的歌) 34- No Matter What--- boyzone(不用多说了吧,很有名的) 35- One Love--- Blue (不错,推荐) 36- Pretty Young Thing--- Lene (酸酸甜甜就是我 英文版) 37- Promises Don't come easy--- Caron Nightingale(经典老歌) 38- Proud Of You(容祖儿 《我的骄傲》英文版) 39- Right Here Waiting--- Marx (又是沙哑男声,旋律很好,经典) 40- she believes (in me)--- Ronan Keating (沙哑又见沙哑,好听) 41- Should It Matter---SISSEL (有点慢,还行) 42- Stand--- Jewel (磁性女中音,很有吸引力) 43- What Took You So Long--- Emma Bunton(很好听的一首歌,第一耳好歌吧) 44- when you say nothing at all--- Allison Krauss(我喜欢的风格,一把吉他,清新的女声,怎一个喜欢了得)ps声音很像张韶涵 45- Who Painted The Moon Black--- Hayley Westenra(适合安静的时候听) 46- Without You--- Mariah Carey (玛丽亚凯利 ) 47- Yesterday--- beatles (老老歌,呵呵) 48- Angels---Robbie Williams (好听的声音,还有他的Feel/better man/sing for the lonely/Something Stupid都很喜欢,其中better man林忆莲翻唱过) 49- Blue--- Leann Rimes(好像是小天后呢,声音没得说) 50- That's Why You Go Away ---Michael Learns To Rock (麦克学摇滚
01 Rihanna - What's My Name (feat. Drake)
02 Matt Cardle - When We Collide
03 The Black Eyed Peas - The Time (Dirty Bit)
04 Katy B - Light On (feat. Ms Dynamite)
05 Jessie J - Do It Like A Dude
06 Ellie Goulding - Your Song
07 Katy Perry - Firework
08 Far East Movement - Like A G6 (feat. Cataracs & Dev)
09 Rihanna - Only Girl (In the World)
10 David Guetta - Who's That Chick (feat. Rihanna)
11 Cee Lo Green - Forget You
12 Tinie Tempah - Invincible (feat. Kelly Rowland)
13 Willow - Whip My Hair
14 Take That - The Flood
15 Nero - Me And You
16 Olly Murs - Thinking of Me
17 Bruno Mars - Just the Way You Are
18 Cheryl Cole - The Flood
19 P!nk - Raise Your Glass
20 Alexis Jordan - Happiness
24 Cee Lo Green - It's OK
29 Martin Solveig & Drogonstte - Hello
32 N-Dubz - Girls
33 Professor Green - Jungle (feat. Maverick)
38 Eliza Doolittle - Pack Up 39 James Blake - Limit To Your Love
40 Gyptian - Hold You
41 Ben & Jamie Hazelby feat Chris De Burgh - Lonely Sky
编辑 | 删除 【Billboard】2011年第01-03期Billboard单曲榜全榜单附文字版
miho 发布于: 2011-01-16 05:54
US Billboard Charts (01/01/2010)
1 1 9 Firework, Katy Perry
2 3 12 Grenade, Bruno Mars
3 2 9 What's My Name?, Rihanna Featuring Drake
4 4 11 Raise Your Glass, P!nk
5 5 8 We R Who We R, Ke$ha
6 7 22 Just The Way You Are, Bruno Mars
7 6 15 Only Girl (In The World), Rihanna
8 8 6 The Time (Dirty Bit), The Black Eyed Peas
9 NEW 1 6 Foot 7 Foot, Lil Wayne Featuring Cory Gunz
10 9 18 Just A Dream, Nelly
11 10 19 Bottoms Up, Trey Songz Featuring Nicki Minaj
12 11 11 Black And Yellow, Wiz Khalifa
13 15 4 Tonight (I'm Lovin' You) Enrique Iglesias Featuring Ludacris & DJ Frank E
14 12 19 Like A G6, Far*East Movement Featuring Cataracs & Dev
15 13 13 DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love, Usher Featuring Pitbull
16 19 11 Stereo Love, Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina
17 14 29 Dynamite, Taio Cruz
18 16 15 No Hands, Waka Flocka Flame Featuring Roscoe Dash & Wal
19 24 4 Coming Home, Diddy - Dirty Money Featuring Skylar Grey
20 22 8 Yeah 3X, Chris Brown
21 17 13 Please Don't Go, Mike Posner
22 20 22 Teenage Dream, Katy Perry
23 21 29 Animal, Neon Trees
24 23 17 F**k You (Forget You), Cee Lo Green
25 25 26 Secrets, OneRepublic
26 34 8 Back To December, Taylor Swift
27 32 12 Hey Baby (Drop It To The Floor), Pitbull Featuring T-Pain
28 29 18 Right Above It, Lil Wayne Featuring Drake
29 26 12 Right Thru Me, Nicki Minaj
30 33 12 Aston Martin Music, Rick Ross Featuring Drake & Chrisette Michele
31 18 2 That's All She Wrote, T.I. Featuring Eminem
32 30 25 Club Can't Handle Me, Flo Rida Featuring David Guetta
33 31 32 I Like It, Enrique Iglesias Featuring Pitbull
34 28 24 If I Die Young, The Band Perry
35 27 9 Whip My Hair, Willow
36 37 7 Somewhere With You, Kenny Chesney
37 38 16 No Love, Eminem Featuring Lil Wayne
38 36 25 Deuces, Chris Brown Featuring Tyga & Kevin McCall
39 65 5 Hold My Hand, Michael Jackson Duet With Akon
40 41 7 Felt Good On My Lips, Tim McGraw
41 60 3 Rocketeer Far*East Movement Featuring Ryan Tedder
42 45 4 Pretty Girl Rock, Keri Hilson
43 39 17 My Kinda Party, Jason Aldean
44 40 26 Love The Way You Lie, Eminem Featuring Rihanna
45 52 5 Kush, Dr. Dre Featuring Snoop Dogg & Akon
46 49 12 Jar Of Hearts, Christina Perri
47 43 21 Stuck Like Glue, Sugarland
48 42 19 Love Like Woe, The Ready Set
49 44 14 Can't Be Friends, Trey Songz
50 46 11 Memories, David Guetta Featuring Kid Cudi
51 54 7 Who Are You When I'm Not Looking, Blake Shelton
52 50 20 Mine, Taylor Swift
53 62 Down On Me, Jeremih Featuring 50 Cent
54 47 19 As She's Walking Away, Zac Brown Band Featuring Alan Jackson
55 55 14 Rhythm of Love, Plain White T's
56 48 14 Dog Days Are Over, Florence + The Machine
57 51 14 We No Speak Americano, Yolanda Be Cool & Dcup
58 56 13 Mama's Song, Carrie Underwood
59 53 14 Turn On The Radio, Reba
60 70 7 Don't You Wanna Stay, Jason Aldean With Kelly Clarkson
61 61 12 Put You In A Song, Keith Urban
62 71 4 Let Me Down Easy, Billy Currington
63 69 7 Voices, Chris Young
64 64 9 Lay It Down, Lloyd
65 58 18 Why Wait, Rascal Flatts
66 76 4 Maybe, Sick Puppies
67 66 16 The Breath You Take, George Strait
68 63 16 Only Prettier, Miranda Lambert
69 67 3 Who Dat Girl, Flo Rida Featuring Akon
70 82 3 Fire Flame, Birdman Featuring Lil Wayne
71 80 6 Make A Movie, Twista Featuring Chris Brown
72 74 11 Waiting For The End, Linkin Park
73 85 5 Marry Me, Train
74 94 2 Bass Down Low, Dev Featuring The Cataracs
75 95 2 Fall For Your Type, Jamie Foxx Featuring Drake
76 72 16 Anything Like Me, Brad Paisley
77 81 19 Little Lion Man, Mumford & Sons
78 78 8 Someone Else Calling You Baby
79 77 6 Hello World, Lady Antebellum
80 NEW 1 Higher, Taio Cruz Featuring Travie McCoy
81 89 2 No BS, Chris Brown
82 NEW 1 Moment 4 Life, Nicki Minaj Featuring Drake
83 35 3 Christmas Lights, Coldplay
84 73 11 Runaway, Kanye West Featuring Pusha T
85 84 7 Bullets In The Gun, Toby Keith
86 NEW 1 F**kin' Perfect, P!nk
87 87 14 Smoke A Little Smoke, Eric Church
88 RE-ENTRY 2 More, Usher
89 79 14 All I Want Is You, Miguel Featuring J. Cole
90 NEW 1 What Do You Want, Jerrod Niemann
91 RE-ENTRY 2 Loving You No More, Diddy - Dirty Money Featuring Drake
92 NEW 1 Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not, Thompson Square
93 NEW 1 When A Woman Loves, R. Kelly
94 NEW 1 You Be Killin Em, Fabulous
95 96 20 September, Daughtry
96 90 11 Loca, Shakira Featuring El Cata or Dizzee Rascal
97 NEW 1 For The First Time, The Script
98 86 20 Letting Go (Dutty Love), Sean Kingston Featuring Nicki Minaj
99 57 2 Baby, It's Cold Outside, Glee Cast
100 NEW 1 Oh Santa!, Mariah Carey
01 Bruno Mars - Grenade
02 Jessie J - Do It Like A Dude
03 Rihanna Feat Drake - Whats My Name
04 Katy B Feat Ms Dynamite - Lights On
05 Matt Cardle - When We Collide
06 David Guetta Feat Rihanna - Who's That Chick
07 Adele - Make You Feel My Love
08 The Black Eyed Peas - The Time (Dirty Bit)
09 Far East Movement Feat The Cataracs & Dev - Like A G6
10 JLS Feat Tinie Tempah - Eyes Wide Shut (NEW)
11 Tinie Tempah Feat Kelly Rowland - Invincible
12 Rihanna - Only Girl (In The World)
13 Ellie Goulding - Your Song
14 Katy Perry - Firework
15 Nero - Me & You
16 Cee Lo Green - Forget You
17 Bruno Mars - Just the Way You Are
18 Martin Solveig Feat Dragonette - Hello
19 Willow -- Whip My Hair
20 Cee Lo Green - It's OK
1 2 Rolling In The Deep Adele
2 1 E.T. Katy Perry Featuring Kanye West
3 5 Just Can't Get Enough Black Eyed Peas
4 4 On The Floor Jennifer Lopez Featuring Pitbull
5 7 The Lazy Song Bruno Mars
6 -- Blow Ke$ha
7 6 S&M Rihanna
8 3 Judas Lady GaGa
9 10 Sweat (Remix) Snoop Dogg Vs David Guetta
10 -- Look At Me Now Chris Brown Featuring Lil Wayne & Busta Rhymes
1 1 Grenade Bruno Mars
2 2 Firework Katy Perry
3 3 The Time (Dirty Bit) Black Eyed Peas
4 4 What's My Name? Rihanna Featuring Drake
5 6 We R Who We R Ke$ha
6 8 Black & Yellow Wiz Khalifa
7 7 Raise Your Glass P!nk
8 5 Tonight (I'm Lovin' You) Enrique Iglesias Featuring Ludacris & DJ Frank E
9 10 Bottoms Up Trey Songz Featuring Nicki Minaj
10 9 Stereo Love Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina
1 1 Fireflies Owl City
2 3 TiK ToK Ke$ha
3 2 Bad Romance Lady GaGa
4 4 I Gotta Feeling Black Eyed Peas
5 5 Replay Iyaz
6 6 Down Jay Sean Featuring Lil Wayne
7 9 Party In The U.S.A. Miley Cyrus
8 7 Whatcha Say Jason Derulo
9 10 Empire State Of Mind Jay-Z + Alicia Keys
10 -- All I Want For Christmas Is You Mariah Carey
1-The Beatles-yesterday
2-Rolling Stones-Satisfaction
3-Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
4-Madonna Ciccone - Like A Virgin
5-Michael Jackson- Billie Jean
6-Beatles - I Want To Hold Your Hand
7-Aretha Franklin-Respect
8-U2-With or Without You
9-The Jackson 5-I Want You Back
10-Backstreet boys-I Want It That Way
11-The Eagles-Hotel California
12-The Supremes-Where Did Our Love Go
13-GunsN‘Roses-Sweet Child O' Mine,
14-The Rolling Stones-Brown Sugar
15-John Lennon-Imagine
16-Sinead O'Connor-Nothing Compares to You
17-Stevie Wonder-Superstition
18-R.E.M.-Losing My Religion
20-Bob Dylan-Like A Rolling Stone
21-Van Morrison-Brown Eyed Girl
22-Michael Jackson-Beat It
23-Roy Orbison-Oh, Pretty Woman
24-Marvin Gaye - What's Going On
25-Britney Spears - Baby One More Time
26-Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way
27-Prince-When Doves Cry
29-Queen-Bohemian Rhapsody
30-Elton John-Your Song
31-Santana Rob Thomas-Smooth
32-Otis Red-(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay
33-The Who-My Generation,
34-Alanis Morissette-Ironic
35-Bruce Springstein - Born to run
37-O.P.P. - Naughty By Nature
38-David Bowie - Changes
39-Goo Goo Dolls-Iris
40-Whitney Houston [1] -I Will Always Love You
41-Creedance Clearwater Revival - Proud Mary
42-The Police-Every Breath You Take
43-Rolling Stones - Miss You
44-ABBA-Dancing Queen
45-Eric Clapton-Tears in Heaven
46-Smokey Robinson - The Tracks Of My Tears
47-Van Halen-Jump
48-Pearl Jam - Jeremy
49-Bob Dylan - Tangled Up In Blue
50-Prince-Little Red Corvette
51-The Temptations - Just My Imagination
52-Paul McCartney - Maybe I'm Amazed
53-George Michael - Faith
54-Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under The Bridge
55-N'Sync - Bye Bye Bye
56-Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive
57-The Go Go's - Our Lips Are Sealed
58-The Wallflowers - One Headlight
59-Stevie Wonder - You Are the Sunshine of My Life
60-Billy Joel - Just The Way You Are
61-REM - The One I Love
62-Madonna - Papa Don't Preach
63-Beatles - In My Life
64-Elton John - Bennie And The Jets
65-The Cars - Just What I Needed
66-Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time
67-Eminem - My Name Is
68-Garbage - Only Happy When It Rains
69-Depeche Mode - Just Can't Get Enough
70-Beach Boys - Good Vibrations
71-The Ramones - I Wanna Be Sedated
72-Tom Petty - Free Fallin'
73-Culture Club - Do You Really Want to Hurt Me
74-Elton John - Tiny Dancer
75-Sly and Family Stone - Hot Fun In The Summer time
76-Radiohead - Creep
77-Al Green - Lets Stay Together
78-Green Day - Longview
79-Janet Jackson - Nasty
80-LL Cool J - I Need Love
81-No Doubt - Don't Speak
82-Michael Jackson - Rock With You
83-Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is
84-Oasis - Wonderwall
85-Cheap Trick - Surrender
86-Human League - Don't You Want Me
87-Pretenders - Brass In Pocket
88-Wyclef Jean - Gone Till November(acoustic)
89-Wham - Careless Whispers
90-Brandy and Monica -The Boy Is Mine
91-Blackstreet - No Diggity(Featuring Dr. Dre)
92-ACDC - You Shook Me All Night Long
93-Bee Gees- Stayin' Alive
94-Blink 182 - All The Small Things
95-Chic - Good Times[Longer Disco Version]
96-Def Leopard - Photograph
97-B-52's - Love Shack
98-Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy
99-Biz Markie - Just A Friend
100-Soft Cell - Tainted Love
01. Fun ft. Janelle Monae - We Are Young [4:11]
02. Carly Rae
Jepson - Call Me Maybe [3:14]
03. Maroon 5 ft. Wiz Khalifa - Payphone
04. Flo Rida - Whistle [3:44]
05. Coldplay & Rihanna - Princess
Of China [3:38]
06. Rudimental ft. John Newman - Feel The Love [4:28]
Nicki Minaj - Starships [3:30]
08. Rihanna - Where Have You Been?
09. Rita Ora ft. Tinie Tempah - R.I.P. [3:47]
10. Conor Maynard -
Can't Say No [3:14]
11. Justin Bieber - Boyfriend [2:52]
12. Ed Sheeran -
Small Bump [4:19]
13. D'banj - Oliver Twist [3:54]
14. Stooshe - Black
Heart [3:28]
15. Katy Perry - Part Of Me [3:36]
16. Marina & The
Diamonds - Primadonna [3:40]
17. Paloma Faith - Picking Up The Pieces
18. Train - Drive By [3:16]
19. Cover Drive - Sparks [2:56]
Jason Mraz - I Won't Give Up [3:18]
21. Alex Clare - Too Close [3:44]
Emeli Sande - My Kind Of Love [3:20]
01. will.i.am ft. Eva
Simmons - This Is Love [4:07]
02. Cheryl - Call My Name [3:30]
03. DJ
Fresh ft. Rita Ora - Hot Right Now [3:00]
04. Tulisa - Young [3:36]
David Guetta ft. Nicki Minaj - Turn Me On [3:21]
06. Calvin Harris ft. Ne-Yo
- Let's Go [3:46]
07. Usher - Scream [3:55]
08. Jessie J ft. David Guetta
- Laserlight [3:29]
09. Chris Brown - Turn Up The Music [3:48]
10. The
Wanted - Chasing The Sun [3:14]
11. The Saturdays - 30 Days [3:06]
Loreen - Euphoria [3:00]
13. Sewdish House Mafia - Greyhound [3:37]
Azealia Banks ft. Lazy Jay - 212 [3:23]
15. Plan B - Ill Manors [3:47]
B.O.B. - So Good [3:33]
17. Sway - Level Up [2:54]
18. Taio Cruz - There
She Goes [3:29]
19. Labrinth - Express Yourself [4:04]
20. Scissor Sisters
- Only The Horses [3:42]
21. Lawson - When She Was Mine [3:39]
22. Gary
Barlow & The Commonwealth Band - Sing [4:01]
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解: ...[详情]分类:知识库时间:14:5638译码器
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