
四国歌手同唱《Hey Jude》

时间:2021-03-05 02:02:29编辑:刘牛来源:曲谱自学网

四国歌手同唱《Hey Jude》

《音乐相对论》——四国歌手同唱《Hey Jude》


四国歌手同唱《Hey Jude》


  【音乐相对论】系列节目“被翻唱的Beatles”本期回顾:《Hey Jude》。

  Paul McCartney曾为一个5岁的孩子写过一首歌,这个孩子正是John Lennon的儿子Julian。但在歌词中我们却能听出Paul McCartney似乎又在对John Lennon诉说着什么。虽然John最终还是和Yoko走到了一起,Beatles也解散了,但是这首《Hey Jude》却永远地留在了世人的心里。对于华语歌迷来说,当孙燕姿在哼起这首歌的时候,又有多少人感动得落下眼泪呢?

  本期播放版本:Elvis Presley(美国)、Kirka(芬兰)、Mina(意大利)、Tom Jones(英国)。


  hey jude, don't make it bad.

  take a sad song and make it better.

  remember to let her into your heart,

  then you can start to make it better.

  hey jude, don't be afraid.

  you were made to go out and get her.

  the minute you let her under your skin,

  then you begin to make it better.

  and anytime you feel the pain, hey jude, refrain,

  don't carry the world upon your shoulders.

  for well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool

  by making his world a little colder.

  hey jude, don't let me down.

  you have found her, now go and get her.

  remember to let her into your heart,

  then you can start to make it better.

  so let it out and let it in, hey jude, begin,

  you're waiting for someone to perform with.

  and don't you know that it's just you, hey jude, you'll do,

  the movement you need is on your shoulder.

  hey jude, don't make it bad.

  take a sad song and make it better.

  remember to let her under your skin,

  then you'll begin to make it

  better better better better better better, oh.

  na na na, na na na na, na na na, hey jude




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