
希腊男高音 马利欧.范高利斯 浪漫专辑《有时我在梦想》介绍

时间:2019-06-22 16:23:43编辑:刘牛来源:曲谱自学网

【专辑艺人】: Mario Frangoulis
【专辑名称】: Sometimes I Dream
【发行日期】: September 17, 2002
【专辑类型】: Modern Classical, Pop, Vocal, 男高音


来自希腊的新世代男高音马利欧.范高利斯(Mario Frangoulis),自幼学习音乐,除了外型具备流行巨星般的俊帅迷人外,更具备一副不可多得的好嗓子。在青少年时期即进入伦敦最具知名度的Guildhall音乐学院专攻戏剧音乐,天生浑厚有力的嗓音立即被发掘,并获邀参与「歌剧魅影」与「悲惨世界」演出而崭露头角。之后进入纽约茱利亚音乐学院深造,他的惊人天赋也立刻受到世界级男高音Alfredo Kraus赏识,并成为他唯一私人教授的学生,且被遴选为"西城故事"中Tony的角色。马利欧的演出经验相当丰富,之前马力欧就与希腊国宝级艺人“娜娜”和世界级女高音“黄英”、大陆天王级歌手刘欢同台演出,并展现出惊人的歌唱实力。马利欧代表著新一代的男高音﹔热情,浪漫,多元化。他说,"我不曾认为自己有男高音的特质,也曾排斥人们所有我只能唱歌剧,但是音乐可以有多种表现方式,这张专辑是张惊喜,充斥著爱琴海的浪漫色彩与他独有的热情精神。

全球发行首张专辑《湛蓝美声 - 有时我在梦想Sometimes I Dream》中,"Buon Giorno Pinceissa"是改编自奥斯卡最佳电影「美丽人生」的动人乐章。另外还收录了由美声天后「莎拉布莱曼」所唱红的"Hijo de La Luna",经典老团"The Moody Blue"的代表作"Night In White Satin"。不容错过的还有,专辑中节奏轻快流畅的义大利名曲"Luna Rossa"与标题曲"Sometimes I Dream",更让这张专辑透出愉悦可人的绚丽神采。

First international release from African-born, Greek-raised tenor Mario Frangoulis. Frangoulis treats the classics reverently but not slavishly, with the title track effectively turning an aria from Puccini's Tosca into romantic Europop. Elsewhere, the international flavor is further expanded by three melody-rich songs ("Hijo de la Luna," "La Luna de Valencia," and "Naturaleza Muerta") by Spanish singer-songwriter Jose Maria Cano and a sing-along-ready take on the 1950s Neapolitan chestnut "Luna Rossa." Turning Nicola Piovani's bittersweet Life Is Beautiful theme into the ponderous "Buongiorno Principessa," but faring better with a moody, dramatic take on Rota-Wertmuller's "Canzone Arribiata." The obligatory rock-pop cover here is the flamenco-inflected "Nights in White Satin", with Frangoulis joined in a bilingual duet with original Moody Blue Justin Hayward that's surprisingly effective.


1 Vincero, Perdero (5:29)
2 Buongiorno Principessa (3:52)
3 Sometimes I Dream (5:43)
4 Luna Rossa (4:32)
5 Naturaleza Muerta (5:03)
6 Nights in White Satin (Notte de Luce) (5:13)
7 Ton Eafto Tou Paidi (4:10)
8 Non Sara (4:02)
9 Hijo de la Luna (5:06)
10 Night Wants to Forget (5:49)
11 Canzone Arrabbiata (4:19)
12 A La Luna de Valencia 

【专辑艺人】: Mario Frangoulis 【专辑名称】: Sometimes I Dream 【发行日期】: September 17, 2002 【唱片公司】: SONY MASTERWORKS 【专辑类型】: Modern Classical, Pop, Vocal, 男高音 [专辑介绍]: 来自希腊的新世代男高音马利欧.范高利斯(Mario Frangoulis),自幼学习音乐,除了外型具备流行巨星般的俊帅迷人外,更具备一副不可多得的好嗓子。在青少年时期即进入伦敦最具知名度的Guildhall音乐学院专攻戏剧音乐,天生浑厚有力的嗓音立即被发掘,并获邀参与「歌剧魅影」与「悲惨世界」演出而崭露头角。之后进入纽约茱利亚音乐学院深造,他的惊人天赋也立刻受到世界级男高音Alfredo Kraus赏识,并成为他唯一私人教授的学生,且被遴选为"西城故事"中Tony的角色。马利欧的演出经验相当丰富,之前马力欧就与希腊国宝级艺人“娜娜”和世界级女高音“黄英”、大陆天王级歌手刘欢同台演出,并展现出惊人的歌唱实力。马利欧代表著新一代的男高音﹔热情,浪漫,多元化。他说,"我不曾认为自己有男高音的特质,也曾排斥人们所有我只能唱歌剧,但是音乐可以有多种表现方式,这张专辑是张惊喜,充斥著爱琴海的浪漫色彩与他独有的热情精神。 全球发行首张专辑《湛蓝美声 - 有时我在梦想Sometimes I Dream》中,"Buon Giorno Pinceissa"是改编自奥斯卡最佳电影「美丽人生」的动人乐章。另外还收录了由美声天后「莎拉布莱曼」所唱红的"Hijo de La Luna",经典老团"The Moody Blue"的代表作"Night In White Satin"。不容错过的还有,专辑中节奏轻快流畅的义大利名曲"Luna Rossa"与标题曲"Sometimes I Dream",更让这张专辑透出愉悦可人的绚丽神采。 First international release from African-born, Greek-raised tenor Mario Frangoulis. Frangoulis treats the classics reverently but not slavishly, with the title track effectively turning an aria from Puccini's Tosca into romantic Europop. Elsewhere, the international flavor is further expanded by three melody-rich songs ("Hijo de la Luna," "La Luna de Valencia," and "Naturaleza Muerta") by Spanish singer-songwriter Jose Maria Cano and a sing-along-ready take on the 1950s Neapolitan chestnut "Luna Rossa." Turning Nicola Piovani's bittersweet Life Is Beautiful theme into the ponderous "Buongiorno Principessa," but faring better with a moody, dramatic take on Rota-Wertmuller's "Canzone Arribiata." The obligatory rock-pop cover here is the flamenco-inflected "Nights in White Satin", with Frangoulis joined in a bilingual duet with original Moody Blue Justin Hayward that's surprisingly effective. [专辑曲目]: 1 Vincero, Perdero (5:29) 2 Buongiorno Principessa (3:52) 3 Sometimes I Dream (5:43) 4 Luna Rossa (4:32) 5 Naturaleza Muerta (5:03) 6 Nights in White Satin (Notte de Luce) (5:13) 7 Ton Eafto Tou Paidi (4:10) 8 Non Sara (4:02) 9 Hijo de la Luna (5:06) 10 Night Wants to Forget (5:49) 11 Canzone Arrabbiata (4:19) 12 A La Luna de Valencia

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