

时间:2019-06-19 09:33:30编辑:刘牛来源:曲谱自学网
【专辑艺人】: Harry Belafonte (哈罗德.贝拉方特)
【专辑名称】: Calypso from Jamaica (来自牙买加的卡利普索民歌)
【发行日期】: 1992年
【唱片公司】: Music Of The World
【专辑类型】: Calypso, Pop, Folk, World, & Country
原名哈罗德.乔治.小贝拉方特,1927年03月01日生于纽约市哈莱姆区。二战结束后,他勤工俭学在纽约戏剧进修所学习。 1952年开始以唱民歌作为他的职业。 母亲来自牙买加的Harry Belafonte和在纽约West Indies社区的Irving Burgie一起度过童年,当然在加勒比地区有音乐根源,但他们的岛屿版本在很大程度上是想像的,尽管想像不到很好,他们的合作实际上已经过滤回到该地区的民间音乐。 Belafonte聪明,自信,巧妙的掌握了编排,几乎凭藉Burgie的“Day-O”歌曲,一手将世界音乐带入了商业流行舞台,而在Burgie,他找到了完美的歌曲作家,一个成分具有海洋阳光本身倾斜和流动的特质。 Burgie的几首歌曲(以及Belafonte的版本)已成为绝对经典,包括“香蕉船(Day-O)”,可爱的 “Jamaica Farewell” 和 “Kingston Market”(两者都是1956年出售百万张Calypso专辑的中心作品,使Belafonte成为国际巨星)。来自牙买加的Calypso包含来自Belafonte随后的RCA专辑的所有曲目,以及来自Belafonte随后的RCA专辑的相关曲目,以制作一系列非常特别的牙买加民族艺术作品,尽管它绝对是西印度群岛的感觉。这裡所包含的唯一真正的民歌是19世纪华丽的民谣“All My Trials”,它在20世纪50年代已经迁移到美国南部,并在20世纪60年代成为民间复兴的主要部分。无论起源是什么,这裡收集的歌曲都有一种奇妙的夏日氛围,如果它们中的大多数实际上并非来自加勒比地区,那么它们肯定会在那裡结束,而且这些曲调中的许多都已成为精神标准。来自牙买加的Calypso是目前Belafonte职业生涯中最珍贵的单碟收藏品。
It is interesting to note that the pop-calypso (as opposed to real calypso) boom of the mid-'50s was engineered largely by a charismatic singer born in Harlem and a Julliard-trained composer from Brooklyn. Both Harry Belafonte, whose mother was from Jamaica, and Irving Burgie, who spent his childhood in a West Indies neighborhood in New York, had musical roots in the Caribbean, certainly, but their version of the islands was largely an imagined one, although imagined so well that their collaborations have actually filtered back into the folk music of the region. Intelligent, confident and with a firm grasp of artful arrangement, Belafonte almost single-handedly brought world music into the commercial pop arena with the Burgie-composed "Day-O" song, and in Burgie he had found the perfect song writer, a man whose compositions had the lilt and flow of ocean sunlight itself. Several of Burgie's songs (and Belafonte's versions of them) have become stone cold classics, including "Banana Boat (Day-O)," the lovely "Jamaica Farewell" (both of which were centerpieces of 1956's million-selling Calypso album that made Belafonte an international star) and "Kingston Market." Calypso From Jamaica contains all the tracks from that groundbreaking release plus related tracks from Belafonte's subsequent RCA albums to make a wonderful sequence of artful, faux Caribbean folk that isn't particularly Jamaican, although it definitely is shot through with a West Indies sensibility. The only actual folk song from the area included here is the gorgeous 19th century ballad "All My Trials," which by the 1950s had migrated to the American south and by the 1960s had become a staple of the folk revival. Whatever the origins, the songs collected here have a wonderfully summery vibe, and if most of them didn't actually come from the Caribbean, they certainly ended up there, and many of these tunes have become mento standards. Calypso From Jamaica is the most generous single-disc collection currently available of this phase of Belafonte's career.
01. Day O
02. Jamaica Farewell 
03. Matilda, Matilda
04. Come Back Liza
05. Mama Look A Boo Boo
06. Man Smart (Woman Smarter)
07. Kingston Market
08. Jump Down, Spin Around
09. Island In The Sun
10. Brown Skin Girl
11. The Jack-Ass Song
12. I Do Adore Her
13. Hosanna
14. Man Piaba
15. Angelina
16. Will His Love Be Like His Rum?
17. Dolly Dawn
18. Coconut Woman 
19. All My Trials

美国女小提琴家 露西亚.玛嘉莲莉 PBS音乐会现场专辑

瑞典 阿巴乐队精选歌曲 专辑介绍


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