A Trip Without Plan
Life, you need to go on a journey.
记住,你和我,有一场说走就走的旅行。 。
Remember, , you and me, there's a journey to go.
The advantage of travel is that it can be far away from the daily life, but also do not have to bear the responsibilities of daily trivial.
昨天,那场没有看完的电影,没有听完的歌曲,没有写完的日志,没有来一场说走就走的旅行 行…这些,都已风尘仆仆的定格在了我们的昨天。
Yesterday, that didn't finish the movie, not listening to the song, did not finish the log, no to a go go travel… These have been fixed in fatigued with the journey of our yesterday.
In the spring of this day to say go on a walk! I bring you, you take the money.
Life can not be said to be a walk away, but the people who harbor, must always do thepreparation for the time to go!
Hey, come on with me, Let's go on a journey!
Some day, as I had the long summer vacation, I suddenly had the idea that I could take a trip without plan.
The emergency fund could cover hospital bills, automotive repairs or unplanned travel orfuneral expenses.
来一场欧洲其他地区说走就走的旅行。也许这只是一次超廉价航班或者慢速巴士之旅,但这将是一次探险! !
Take a spontaneous trip to somewhere else in Europe. It might be anultra-low-cost airline or aslow bus journey, but it will be an adventure!